介绍几种典型的近红外胶体量子点(CdTe、CdS、PbS、MoS2-QDs …
1)CdTe量子点QDs. CdTe量子点由于其发光范围较易达到近红外区,在组织深层显像方面的应用令人期待。 油溶性的CdTe量子点尺寸均一、分散性好,较高结晶度;分散性较好的水溶性CdTe量子点表面带有羧基,易于进行修饰。
Real-time monitoring of CdTe quantum dots growth in aqueous
2024年4月3日 · In this work, we present a new approach for monitoring the formation of QDs in aqueous solution up to 90 °C, through in situ luminescence analysis, using CdTe as a model system. This technique...
荧光碲化镉量子点 (CdTe QDs)的制备方法 | Acros试剂中国官 …
量子点 ( quhaitum dots,QDs)是近年发展起来的一种新型荧光材料,与传统的有机荧光染料相比,具有许多优良的光谱性能,在光电池、光催化及生物标记等研究领域显示了极其广阔的应用前景,已经引起了人们越来越 多 重视。 量子点是由有限数目的原子组成,三个维度尺寸均在纳米数量级。 量子点一般为球形或类球形,是由半导体材料 (通常由IB~MA或IIA~VA元素组成)制成的、稳定直径在220nm的纳米粒子。 作为一种新颖的半导体纳米材料,量子点具有许多独特的纳米 …
Controlling the dimension of the quantum resonance in CdTe …
2020年10月29日 · Quantum dot superlattices have the potential to be key materials for new optoelectronic devices, such as highly efficient solar cells and photodetectors. Herein, we report the fabrication of CdTe...
Quantum control in size selected semiconductor quantum dot thin …
We introduce a novel technique for coherent control that employs resonant internally generated fields in CdTe quantum dot (QD) thin films at the L-point. The bulk band gap of CdTe at the L-point amounts to 3.6 eV, with the transition marked by strong Coulomb coupling
One-step synthesis of aqueous CdTe/CdSe composite QDs toward …
2023年4月1日 · Herein, we propose a one-step method to synthesize aqueous CdTe/CdSe composite QDs, including CdTe and CdSe hybrid QDs, CdTe@CdSe core–shell QDs and CdTeSe alloy QDs, through adding Na 2 TeO 3 and NaHSe into the Cd source with MPA as a …
CdTe量子点的结构、光学和发光特性:封端配体比例影响的研 …
结晶良好的碲化镉量子点 (CdTe QD) 在露天条件下,生长温度为 100 °C,通过简单的湿化学工艺制备。 为了研究它们对 C dTe 量子点的结构、光学和发光特性的影响,使用了不同数量的封端配体。 使用X射线衍射仪(XRD)和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)研究了结构性质。 所有获得的 CdTe QD 都显示出闪锌矿晶体结构,在 XRD 分析中没有观察到额外的相。 衍射反射强度随着封盖率的增加而增强,最佳条件是在封盖率为 1.2 时实现。 从各种技术估计的平均粒径随着封端配体 …
Tuning Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer in Cadmium …
2024年12月26日 · To investigate the effect of the inorganic material bandgap on FRET dynamics and mechanism, we have constructed a series of cadmium telluride (CdTe) quantum dot (QD)-diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP) hybrids via QD bandgap engineering. Steady-state and transient spectroscopy revealed that a fast and efficient FRET process was proceeded in these systems.
Synthesis of pH Sensitive Dual Capped CdTe QDs: Their Optical ...
2020年3月27日 · In this work, we have prepared five dual capped CdTe QDs using a one pot synthetic method under an open-air condition. The synthesized dual capped QDs demonstrated promising photo-physical behavior i.e. high photoluminescence intensities, good photo-stabilities and resistance to photo bleaching.
Molecularly imprinted polymers-isolated AuNP-enhanced CdTe QD ...
2023年9月15日 · A molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs)-isolated AuNP-enhanced fluorescence sensor, AuNP@MIPs-CdTe QDs, was developed for highly sensitive and selective detection of oxytetracycline (OTC) in aqueous medium.