Highly improved light harvesting and photovoltaic performance in CdTe …
2022年7月4日 · Since transparency of the CdS/CdTe heterojunction based solar cell (SC) is reduced by a photonic band gap formed by (MgF 2 /MoO 3) N 1D-PC; namely, re-harvesting is improved by increasing...
Research on ultra-thin cadmium telluride heterojunction thin film …
2025年1月1日 · Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) thin film solar cells have many advantages, including a low-temperature coefficient (−0.25 %/°C), excellent performance under weak light conditions, high absorption coefficient (10 5 cm⁻ 1), and stability in high-temperature environments.
CdTe thin film solar cells with a SnTe buffer layer in back contact
2018年6月1日 · Cadmium telluride (CdTe) is a II-VI compound semiconductor with a direct band gap of ~ 1.45 eV which well matches the solar spectrum and has a large optical absorption coefficient ≥5 × 10 5 cm −1 [1]. These unique properties make CdTe an ideal material for high efficiency thin film solar cells (SCs).
具有背接触式 SnTe 缓冲层的 CdTe 薄膜太阳能电池
2018年6月1日 · 通过在背接触处插入 SnTe 单缓冲层,开发了无铜 CdTe SC,它显示出与使用 CuxTe 作为背接触的传统电池相同的电池效率。 背面接触处具有 ZnTe:Cu/SnTe 双层的电池的 Voc 明显高于背面接触处使用 CuxTe 或 ZnTe:Cu 单层制造的 CdTe SC。
20%-efficient polycrystalline Cd(Se,Te) thin-film solar cells with ...
2022年12月21日 · Cadmium telluride (CdTe) photovoltaic is the most cost-competitive thin-film photovoltaic technology because of its low manufacturing cost and high module efficiency.
Numerical simulation and investigation of a high-performance
2023年9月11日 · As a preliminary study, we validated an experimental CdTe SC to prove the efficacy of the SCAPS-1D program. Following that, we optimized the conventional CdTe structure to attain optimal values for the thickness, carrier concentration, and defect density of the constituent layers, notably the active layer.
Low substrate temperature CdTe solar cells: A review
2018年11月15日 · CdTe photovoltaic technology is one of the first being brought into production together with amorphous silicon (already in the mid 90s Solar Cells Inc. in USA, Antec Solar and BP Solar in Europe were producing 60 × 120cm modules) and it is now the largest in production among thin film solar cells (Photovoltaics Report, 2014).
| Structures of CdTe solar-cell devices. a, A typical CdTe device ...
Cadmium Tellurium (CdTe) based solar cells (SC) have recently attracted much attention due to their high thermal stability, an efficiency of around 22.1%, low-cost production,...
Assessment of double CdS/CdTe based solar cells using carbon
2024年12月13日 · The present work describes CdTe-based solar cell device design and simulation utilizing ITO as the anode and CdS as the HTL (hole transport layer). Primary absorber layer is CdTe; which is utilised to produce electron-hole pairs when electromagnetic radiation’s photons are absorbed.
碲化镉 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
碲化镉 (化学式: CdTe)是由 碲 元素和 镉 元素组成的 晶体化合物。 这种半导体可以制造红外 光学窗。 此外,碲化镉在 太阳能电池 的制造方面也有广阔的应用前景。 在 薄膜 电池中,碲化镉通常夹在两层 硫化镉 材料中,这种 PN结 叫做「P-i-n结构」。 ^ Electronic structure, structural and optical properties of thermally evaporated CdTe thin film (PDF).