Clinical Disease Activity Index (CDAI) for Rheumatoid Arthritis - MDCalc
The Clinical Disease Activity Index (CDAI) for Rheumatoid Arthritis determines severity of rheumatoid arthritis using only clinical data.
Crohn's Disease Activity Index (CDAI) - MDCalc
Determines the current severity of Crohn's disease. Signs, symptoms, and history should be based on the past 7 days. Note: for abdominal pain and general well-being ratings, this calculator uses an average rating per day over the past 7 days. For stools, use the total number of soft/liquid stools over the past 7 days.
Clinical Disease Activity Index - RheumTutor
The CDAI is a useful clinical composite score for following patients with rheumatoid arthritis. CDAI = SJC(28) + TJC(28) + PGA + EGA SJC(28): Swollen 28-Joint Count (shoulders, elbows, wrists, MCPs, PIPs including thumb IP, knees)
Crohns Disease Activity Index (CDAI) - GlobalRPH
2019年6月18日 · Crohn's Disease Activity Index or CDAI Key features: Developed by Best WR, et al. in 1976 at the Midwest Regional Health Center in Illinois to assess patient's with Crohn's disease using an index consisting of 8 factors along with weighting factors that are summed up and then used an important benchmark to determine the effectiveness of various ...
Crohn's Disease Activity Index - Wikipedia
The Crohn's Disease Activity Index or CDAI is a research tool used to quantify the symptoms of patients with Crohn's disease. This is of useful importance in research studies done on medications used to treat Crohn's disease; most major studies on newer medications use the CDAI in order to define response or remission of disease.
Crohn's Disease Activity Index (CDAI): What Your Score Means - Healthline
2023年10月4日 · CDAI scores have a range of 0–600. The higher your score, the more severe your Crohn’s may be. A lower score indicates less severe disease. Experts suggest the following interpretations for these...
SDAI/CDAI - RheumCalc
An online calculator for the Simplified Disease Activity Index (SDAI) and Clinical Disease Activity Index (CDAI) scores | by RheumCalc
2021年5月20日 · CDAI<150分为缓解期,≥150分为活动期;150~220分为轻度,221~450分为中度、>450分为重度。 被广泛应用于临床和科研。 克罗恩病内镜严重程度指数(CDEIS)评分系统. 克罗恩病简化内镜(SES-CD)评分系统. 克罗恩病内镜严重程度指数(CDEIS)评分系统和克罗恩病简化内镜(SES-CD)评分系统均是《中国消化内镜技术诊断与治疗炎症性肠病的专家指导意见》中提及的,依据全结肠镜检查结果,对结肠各节段和回肠部位的溃疡(大小、深浅)、炎 …
类风湿关节炎常用疾病活动度评估方法 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
RA的疾病活动度是指诊断明确的RA患者在某一时间点上疾病所处的状态(缓解/低活动/中活动/高活动)。 临床医生通常会根据患者关节肿痛的程度、血沉及C反应蛋白水平、影像学资料、患者关节功能状态等评估患者的疾病活动度。 RA疾病活动度对于监测患者病情变化,评估治疗效果及病情缓解程度极为重要。 医生可以依据RA患者疾病活动度了解患者目前病情处于什么阶段,也可以根据疾病活动度的变化判断之前的治疗是否有效。 当医生使用某种药物或其他治疗方式后, …
类风湿关节炎的临床疾病活动度指数 (CDAI)
评估者整体疾病活动度 (EGA) 评估是指评估者依据 0-10 分量表来评估患者的疾病活动度,其中 10 分代表活动度最大。 CDAI 降低 6.5 反映中度改善。 Aletaha D, Nell VP, Stamm T, et al. Acute phase reactants add little to composite disease activity indices for rheumatoid arthritis: validation of a clinical activity score. Arthritis Res Ther. 2005;7 (4):R796-806. PubMed ID: 15987481. Aletaha D, Smolen J.
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