A recently described type 2 conventional dendritic cell (cDC2) subset ...
2020年7月30日 · Conventional dendritic cells (cDCs) comprise two subsets, type 1 (cDC1) and type 2 (cDC2). Plasmacytoid DCs (pDCs) are specialized for type I interferon (IFN) secretion. Every subset expresses a...
免疫系统神助攻——树突状细胞 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
cDC2是存在于人体不同组织和器官中主要的DC群体,它们表达一系列TLRs,能够对从核苷酸到多糖的各种危险信号作出反应。 与其他稳态DC亚群相比,它们还表达了高水平的NLRPs和其他炎症相关信号分子,表明它们具有感知不同危险信号的功能。
树突状细胞-DC细胞是什么-赛默飞免疫学资源 | Thermo Fisher …
cDC2细胞具有一般DC家族的功能,通过MHC II类抗原呈递以及共刺激活化Naive CD4 + T细胞。 cDC1细胞专门用于交叉提呈,或在MHC I类上提呈外源抗原,以诱导Naive CD8 + T细胞分化并激活[ 7 ]。
cDC2 subsets - Nature Immunology
2019年11月19日 · In Cell, Rudensky and colleagues describe two distinct subsets of cDC2s in mice and humans. Through the use of Tbx21RFP-Cre reporter mice and single-cell RNA sequencing, the authors identify a...
cdc基因 - 百度百科
cdc 基因 (cell division cycle gene,细胞分裂周期基因)是一类产物表达具细胞周期依赖性或直接参与细胞周期调控的基因,主要包括cyclin基因、Cdk基因、CKI基因等。 此外,与DNA复制相关的 DNA聚合酶 、 DNA连接酶 基因也属于cdc基因。 酵母 中这些与细胞分裂和 细胞周期调控 有关的 基因,被称为cdc (cell division cycle)基因。 人们根据cdc基因被发现的先后顺序对这些基因进行了命名,如cdc2、cdc25、cdc28等。
Distinct ontogenetic lineages dictate cDC2 heterogeneity
2024年2月13日 · Our results showed that cDC2A versus cDC2B fate specification starts in the bone marrow and suggest that cDC2 subsets are ontogenetically determined lineages, rather than cell states imposed by...
Cdc2: a monopotent or pluripotent CDK? - PMC
Cell cycle control by cdks and cdk inhibitors: cdc2 versus CDK2 and CDK4/6. Interactions between cdc2 and cell cycle regulatory molecules/transcription factors pRb and E2F. If cdc2 is a pluripotent CDK, what are the fundamental mechanisms responsible for the multiple functions of cdc2 described above?
cdc2 protein kinase: structure-function relationships - PubMed
Several regions in Cdc2 are involved in binding cyclins A and B. Phosphorylation of cyclin/Cdk complexes ensures that the kinase activity peaks at a specific time in the cell cycle. Phosphorylation of Thr161 in Cdc2 is required for strong cyclin binding and kinase activity in vitro; its dephosphorylation is necessary for cells to exit mitosis.
A recently described type 2 conventional dendritic cell (cDC2) …
Conventional dendritic cells (cDCs) comprise two subsets, type 1 (cDC1) and type 2 (cDC2). Plasmacytoid DCs (pDCs) are specialized for type I interferon (IFN) secretion. Every subset expresses a specific profile of cell surface markers and transcription factors (TFs).
Cdc2: a monopotent or pluripotent CDK? - PubMed
Accumulating evidence shows that cdc2 not only promotes G (2)-M transition but is also capable of regulating G (1) progress and G (1)-S transition via association with multiple interphase cyclins; cdc2 activity can be inhibited by p21 and p27, two traditional G (1) CDK inhibitors.