Maximizing Iron Unit Yield from Ore to Liquid Steel (Part 2 - DRI ...
A frequently quoted estimate for CDRI breakage due to handling is 0.25% loss per 2-meter drop. This number can be much larger for weaker material, longer drops or poorly designed transitions. Fines and chips generated during handling will oxidize much faster than whole DRI products.
【技术解析】C类直接还原铁DRI(C)之迷局_信德海事网-专业海 …
2019年11月16日 · 直接还原铁(DRI-Direct Reduced Iron)是精铁粉或氧化铁通过直接还原法(气基和煤基)还原的金属铁,其中产品为热压铁HBI(即DRI-A)和冷压铁(即DRI-B),DRI-C是DRI(A)和/或DRI(B)制造和处理过程中产生的一种粉、粒状的副产品。 早前业内对DRI的副产品认识不足,并没有把它加入《BC CODE》内,直到“YTHAN”轮在2004年从委内瑞拉装运HBI粉在海上发生爆炸沉没才引起整个行业的重视,并通过努力把DRI(C)加入于2011年1月1日强 …
Charting a Safer Course for DRI Fines - Midrex Technologies, Inc.
Therefore, this article will present the current state of this discussion and the solution that has been accepted in principle, i.e. the proposed schedule for DRI (D) (By-product fines with moisture at least 2%), which will provide a mandatory legal instrument governing international maritime shipment of DRI Fines and ensure shipment in the ...
Cold Briquetting of DRI Fines for Use in Steel Making Process
2019年12月7日 · DRI fine briquettes were produced with desirable CCS of > 100 kg and fines generation of below 5% which could be fed into SMS converter as scrap replacement after 48 h of atmosphere drying. A combination of organic and inorganic binders was used for briquetting
Cold-Briquetted Iron and Carbon (CBIC): Investigation of the
2019年8月22日 · The results showed that cold briquetting of CDRI decreases its specific surface area by 51%, which has a significant effect on its oxidation resistance and mechanical strength.
INTRODUCTION – THE VALUE OF DRI - Midrex Technologies, Inc.
A frequently quoted estimate for CDRI breakage due to handling is 0.25% loss per 2-meter drop. This number can be much larger for weaker material, longer drops or poorly designed transitions. Fines and chips generated during handling will oxidize much faster than whole DRI products.
Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) - ASE STEEL IRAN
Direct reduced iron (DRI), also called sponge iron, is produced from the direct reduction of iron ore (in the form of lumps, pellets, or fines) into iron by a reducing gas which either contains elemental carbon (produced from natural gas or coal) or hydrogen.
Discharge Options for Direct Reduced Iron and its Hot Transport
2013年12月14日 · Technically, there are three discharge options available in case of vertical shaft direct reduction furnace. These are cold DRI (CDRI), hot briquetted iron (HBI), and hot DRI (HDRI). The discharge of HDRI improves the specific energy consumption and productivity of the plant, including the downstream steelmaking process.
中国船东互保协会 - LP 40/2019 C类直接还原铁DRI之迷局
直接还原铁 (DRI-Direct Reduced Iron)是精铁粉或氧化铁通过直接还原法(气基和煤基)还原的金属铁,其中产品为热压铁HBI既DRI-A和冷压铁既DRI-B,DRI-C是是DRI(A)和/或DRI(B)制造和处理过程中产生的一种分、粒状的副产品。 早前大家对DRI的副产品认识不足,并没有把它加人BC Code内,直到“YTHAN”轮在2004年从委内瑞拉装运HBI粉在海上发生爆炸沉没才引起整个行业的重视,并通过努力把DRI(C)加人于2011年1月1日强制生效的IMSBC规则细目里。 1. 直 …
Direct Reduced Iron – IspatGuru
2013年12月14日 · Direct reduced iron (DRI) is the alternative iron source for steelmaking. Its advantages as a virgin iron product and diluent for impurities, introduced with scrap, are well documented. DRI is also known as sponge iron. It refers to porous iron produced by the direct reduction (DR) process.