CDY marker - FamilyTreeDNA Forums
We have CDY=38-38 from a RecLOH event. Then there would have to be another mutation, let's say CDYb mutates in a later generation to 39. Then in another later generation a RecLOH turns the CDY=38-39 to 39-39. CDY has a relatively high mutation rate, but that's still two more mutation events to get to 39-39.
DYS448/ CDY - FamilyTreeDNA Forums
Can someone explain the DYS448 and CDY markers? I have a close match at 67 marker level. The only markers we differ in are the DYS448 by 1 point and the CDY by 1 point on CDYb. My match is tested at 111 w FF and I only at 67. I have ordered FF as he is (NPE). I am not upgrading to 111. I will do Big Y next year. I am thinking
DYS459, DYS464, and CDY values changed by FamilyTreeDNA
2012年10月2日 · It was recently brought to our attention that there may have been some discrepancies in our database related to markers DYS459, DYS464, and CDY values. Our lab has completed an internal review of these markers and has …
Results for marker CDYa and CDYb - FamilyTreeDNA Forums
2016年9月14日 · CDY A and B are some of the faster moving markers we test. It uses what is called the infinite allele method for counting mismatches. So whether it is a 35-40, 37-40, 39-40, these three would all be considered a genetic distance of 1 at this marker. The system will always list the lowest numeric value allele first.
what are the fast moving markers in Y-dna? - FamilyTreeDNA …
I notice that Dad's [#B13518]DYS464 of 14-15-16-18 and CDY 33-35 are rare. I use them to look for any chance he fits in a particular group. I figured they must be fast-moving. Currently, Dad is testing for snps P312, U152. He is L21-& DF27-.
Making sense of STR Markers - FamilyTreeDNA Forums
All others have DYS459 = X-X, DYS464 = XX-XX-XX and CDY= XX-XX. My question is, both Mr. ABC and Mr. XYZ originate from the same geographic/ethnic area and could this be an indication of the origins of my ancient paternal ancestors.
DYS464 Values - FamilyTreeDNA Forums
2012年7月28日 · For some reason ftdna doesn´t report this pretty important information and the GD-calculators gets very decieving results. I.e if one compare two 37-markers results one with 14-14-15-15 and CDY 38-38 and another with 14-14-14-14 and CDY 36-36 the result is not a 31/37 match as reported but a more closely 30/33 match.
CDY A & B - FamilyTreeDNA Forums
2018年2月9日 · Is CDY one of those ones where two mutations is really one but up from the bottom? Could 35-37 to 36-38 really be +1,0 instead of +1,+1?
Am I Ashkenazi Levite? - FamilyTreeDNA Forums
2017年8月15日 · Hey, thanks. Yeah I've joined the R-M198 group on FTDNA and sent administrator email and they haven't got back yet but I'm sure they will soon.
Confusion about Ashkenazi-Levite & Y-DNA Recombination
So you were off from the Levite modal haplotype to begin with at CDY (they are 35/38) where you must have had at least one 34 therefore the RecLoh event happened. But it makes calculating totally reliant on the other markers, and you are different from the LMH there as well.