Anomalous Scattering Differences - RuppWeb
List of selected X-ray absorption edge energies (in electron volt, eV) Element: Atomic Number: Atomic Weight: K Edge: L1 Edge: L2 Edge: L3 Edge: M1 Edge: M5 Edge
Ce K-edge EXAFS study of nanocrystalline CeO2 - ScienceDirect
2002年3月1日 · After being subjected to calcination at various temperatures to yield different particle sizes, the local structure around Ce atom was investigated by using EXAFS spectroscopy at Ce K-edge. The first shell Ce O distance was found to be slightly shorter with small CeO 2 particles, indicating a contraction of the lattice.
Ce K edge XAS of ceria-based redox materials under realistic conditions ...
2015年9月28日 · XANES analysis suggests the formation of the hexagonal Ce 2 O 3 phase upon reduction in 2% hydrogen/helium at 1773 K. We discuss the experimental limitations and possibilities of high-temperature in situ XAS at edges of lower energy as well as the importance of the technique for understanding and improving the properties of ceria-based oxygen ...
The Ce K-edge (40 keV) EXAFS of Ce02 was successfully measured by using Si(553) double crystal monochromator and the synchrotron radiation emitted from the Photon Factory wiggler. The energy resolution was estimated to be about 17 eV from the width of the Ce K-edge absorption edge.
XAFS and XRD Analysis of Ceria–Zirconia Oxygen Storage
2007年11月3日 · Three types of CeO2–ZrO2 (Ce:Zr = 1:1 molar ratio) compounds with different oxygen storage/release capacity (OSC) were characterized by means of the Ce K-edge and Zr K-edge XAFS. In order to investigate the relationship between the OSC and local structure, the quantitative EXAFS curve-fitting analysis was applied.
Effective coordination numbers from EXAFS: general approaches …
2021年12月7日 · Ce K-edge XAFS was measured using a Si(333) channel-cut monochromator, and the Si(111) reflection was annihilated by an Al filter with a thickness of 5 mm. All the experimental data were collected in transmission mode using ionization chambers filled with an appropriate mixture of Ar/N 2 for the Pu L 3 -edge and Xe for the Ce K -edge.
纳米晶 CeO2 的 Ce K-edge EXAFS 研究,Materials Research …
2002年3月1日 · 在不同温度下煅烧以产生不同粒径后,通过在 ce k 边缘使用 exafs 光谱研究 ce 原子周围的局部结构。 发现第一壳层 Ce O 距离稍短,CeO2 颗粒较小,表明晶格收缩。
EXAFS analysis of the L3 edge of Ce in CeO2: effects of …
2007年9月27日 · Here, a comparative analysis of the K, L 3, L 2 and L 1 edges of Ce in CeO 2 has been made and a procedure for obtaining structural parameters from L 3-edge EXAFS, even in the presence of these features, has been developed. This procedure could allow further studies of catalytic compounds containing tetravalent cerium surrounded by oxygen ligands.
Ce K-edge EXAFS study of nanocrystalline CeO2 - Semantic Scholar
2002年3月1日 · Two-dimensionally dispersed L10-FePt nanoparticles as small as 12 nm with orientation was fabricated by electron-beam evaporation and post-annealing at 873 K. After a prolonged annealing at 873 K for … Expand
Ce K-edge EXAFS Spectrum of CeO2 - ResearchGate
1986年1月1日 · The Ce K-edge (40 keV) EXAFS of CeO2 was successfully measured by using Si (553) double crystal monochromator and the synchrotron radiation emitted from the Photon Factory wiggler. The energy...