Civil Engineering 4 Real - University of Strathclyde
We want our undergraduates to feel more like ‘engineers in training’ so Civil Engineering 4 Real is project and problem based learning to help you understand and solve real engineering problems.
(PDF) Civil Engineering 4 Real (CE4R): co-curricular learning for ...
2019年2月27日 · Civil Engineering 4 Real (CE4R) are evening workshops facilitated by practicing engineers, where student attendance is voluntary. Students use authentic documentation and...
Civil Engineering 4 Real (CE4R): co-curricular learning for ...
2019年2月27日 · Team-based co-curricular activities linked to problem-based learning can offer students a quasi-authentic experience of engineering practice. In this paper, we provide a case study of a successful co-curricular initiative supported by local civil engineering employers.
Civil engineering employers engagement in work-integrated …
2024年11月6日 · Civil Engineering 4 Real (CE4R, 2012-2024) is a co-curricular hybrid programme of problem / project-based evening workshops (N=133), attended by 594 students with circa 2867 student attendances, supported by 218 engineers, representing 76 employers.
Civil Engineering 4 Real (CE4R): co-curricular learning for ...
Civil Engineering 4 Real (CE4R) are evening workshops facilitated by practicing engineers, where student attendance is voluntary. Students use authentic documentation and collaborate in peer learning to solve industrial problems. CE4R has assisted student's anticipatory socialisation into their disciplinary profession.
Workplace experience: Civil Engineering 4 Real (CE4R): co …
CE4R comprises voluntary evening workshops facilitated by practicing engineers where students use authentic documentation and collaborate in peer learning to solve industrial problems creating classroom values that resemble workplace values through experience-led learning.
Co-Curricular Academic Studies: Civil Engineering 4 real (CE4R) as ...
It has given me a better idea of how civil engineering problems are addressed by industry professionals. It had helped me begin to alter my attitudes to my studies to better gear myself towards a career in civil engineering. I really enjoyed CE4R; it was far more interesting than my normal lectures.
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Civil engineering 4 real (CE4R) : co-curricular learning for ...
Civil Engineering 4 Real (CE4R) are evening workshops facilitated by practicing engineers, where student attendance is voluntary. Students use authentic documentation and collaborate in peer learning to solve industrial problems. CE4R has assisted student’s anticipatory socialisation into their disciplinary profession.
Have you got what it takes to meet our CE4R challenge ... - Alan …
2019年2月14日 · This week saw AWD host the latest of the University of Strathclyde's Civil Engineering for Real (CE4R) workshops, attended by 34 civil engineering students. The workshop series sees students work with professional engineers to tackle real-life engineering problems, allowing them to get hands on experience of industry projects and develop ...