Sony CEA-G160T 160GB compact flash card CFexpress Type A …
TOUGH and durable, plus impact, bending, dust and moisture resistant give you peace of mind only found in Sony TOUGH cards. Smaller than CFexpress Type B & SD media cards, yet …
索尼CEA-G Tough_Sony CEA-G Tough_存储卡|读卡器|报价,价格, …
索尼CEA-G Tough,在线购买Sony CEA-G Tough,了解最全的索尼 CEA-G Tough图片,报价,介绍信息,最新的索尼CEA-G Tough配置,报价信息,尽在索尼中国在线商城. 搜索 “955”至尊影音套装
CEA-G Series CFexpress Type A Memory Card | CEA-G80T / CEA-G160T / CEA ...
Super-charge your professional video and photography workflows with Sony’s CFexpress Type A memory cards – ideal for advanced cameras like the FX6, FX3, α1, α7S III and α7 IV. The …
Sony CFexpress Type A 160GB | CEAG160T - Sony Electronics
<p style="text-align:justify">CEAG80T (80GB) and CEAG160T (160GB) use the latest flash memory control technology to achieve read speeds as high as 800MB/s<sup>1</sup> and …
Sony CEA-G160T 160GB CFexpress Type A Memory Card + Sony …
World's first Cfexpress Type A memory cards to achieve write speeds as high as 700MB/s and read speeds as high as 800MB/s. More power means longer shooting times so that you can …
CEA-G80T / CEA-G160T / CEA-G320T / CEA-G640T 產品規格 | XQD 記憶卡 | Sony …
cea-g80t、cea-g160g、cea-g320t 及 cea-g640t 記憶卡迅速可靠又小巧,適合需要在最嚴苛環境下達至最高性能的專業人士,亦能保護影片並加快攝影師、影片製作者及愛好者的工作流程。
CEA-G160T - CEA-G 系列 CFexpress Type A 記憶卡 - Sony Store
cea-g160t. 高達每秒 700 mb 的超高寫入速度,適合連拍和拍攝高解析度影像;vpg (影片性能保證) 400; 以高達每秒 800 mb 的超高讀取速度提升工作效率; tough 規格、ip57 等級提供專業級的可 …
CEA-G80T / CEA-G160T / CEA-G320T / CEA-G640T Specifications …
Get the detailed list of specifications for the Sony CEA-G80T / CEA-G160T / CEA-G320T / CEA-G640T & see which XQD MEMORY CARDS fit your needs. Extremely fast, reliable and …
CEA-G160T SYM | 購買 CEA-G 系列 CFexpress Type A 記憶卡 及查 …
了解 Sony 的 CEA-G 系列 CFexpress Type A 記憶卡 並探索其特性、價格及 CEA-G160T SYM 的銷售地點。
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