Home page | CEA-List
2024年10月28日 · CEA-List, a smart digital systems specialist, conducts research and innovation activities with the overriding objective of transferring new technologies to companies.
CEA-List: Laboratory for Integration of Systems and Technology
CEA-List, works towards advanced manufacturing by supporting industry to produce in a more effective and sustainable way and involves exploratory research in emerging technology for …
Spécialiste des systèmes numériques intelligents, le CEA-List a pour mission principale la recherche et l’innovation pour opérer des transferts technologiques au profit du monde …
About CEA-List
CEA-List brings together nearly 1,000 scientists, engineers, and technicians—all experts in smart digital systems. They are committed to developing high-added-value innovations that respond …
CEA-List - GitHub
Smart digital systems for Artificial intelligence, Factory of the Future and Digital Trust - CEA-List
CEA LIST | The Carnot network - lereseaudescarnot.fr
Located in Paris-Saclay and Grenoble, CEA-List is the institute of the CEA’s technological research division dedicated to intelligent digital systems. Its R&D programmes, focused on the …
GitHub - CEA-LIST/vpsim-release: VPSim environment to test or …
VPSim environment to test or validate the generated binaries and other files in a release-like environment. NOTE: This repo is a submodule of VPSim main repository. To set-up the full …
CEA-List - LinkedIn
Digital technology at the heart of our research Based in Paris-Saclay and Grenoble, the CEA-List is an institute of the CEA's Technological Research Division. Dedicated to smart digital...
GitHub - CEA-LIST/N2D2: N2D2 is an open source CAD …
N2D2 (for Neural Network Design & Deployment) is CEA LIST's CAD framework for designing and simulating Deep Neural Network (DNN), and building full DNN-based applications on …
システム統合技術応用研究所(cea-list)は、フランス原子力・代替エネルギー庁(cea)の1機関として、714名の研究者と技術者 (PhD136名含む)を擁し、ソフトウェア・エンジニアリ …