CEADESIGN - MIL98 / Bathroom / Taps MILO360
MIL98 - Wall mounted mixer set, without built-in part, usable as shelf, with round Delrin® hand shower Ø 96 mm
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MIL98 _ REV10 MIL98/MILO360 AISI 316L STAINLESS STEEL Gruppo miscelatore esterno a parete, con funzione di mensola, completo di doccetta in Delrin® Wall mounted mixer set, without built-in part, usable as shelf, with Delrin® hand shower CEADESIGN STUDIO PRODOTTI CORRELATI / RELATED PRODUCTS FRE20 - FRE42 - FRE73 - FRE116
MILO360 Taps Bathroom - CEADESIGN
Created to satisfy every possible design requirement, MILO360 represents the iconic product with a sixties design, a transversal interpreter of modern taps and fittings systems. The particularly sober cylindrical shape adapts to any type of architecture.
CEA MIL98 Wall mounted mixer set Technical Instructions
View online (5 pages) or download PDF (915 KB) CEA MIL98 User manual • MIL98 industrial & lab equipment PDF manual download and more CEA online manuals
Milo360 Taps For Shower / Bathtub - Mixer Sets Without Built-in Part MIL98
Wall mounted mixer set, without built-in part, usable as shelf, with round Delrin® hand shower Ø 96 mm. Brand: Ceadesign Model Number: MIL98 Collection: Milo360 Lead Time: 6 weeks
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Wall mounted external mixer set with hand shower MILO360 …
Download catalogue and price list of Milo360 98 By ceadesign, wall mounted external mixer set with hand shower, milo360 Collection
Cea Design Armatur: Milo360 | FRANCK & CO - Bestes fürs Bad
Die Armaturen Milo360 aus Edelstahl AISI 316 / L sind matt und glänzend. Diese Kollektion von CEA Design umfasst eine Reihe von Mischern oder Mischer-Sets, die zusammen mit einem umfangreichen Angebot an anderen Ausläufen die Produktpalette ausmachen.
CEADESIGN - Request information
MIL98. Wall mounted mixer set, without built-in part, usable as shelf, with round Delrin® hand shower Ø 96 mm
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