Worried about rising CEA levels - Mayo Clinic Connect
2017年5月31日 · Welcome to Connect. I'm tagging a few other members who may also have experience with fluctuating CEA levels. Please meet @travelgirl @martid @ilene1 @soul @brglight @nannytart @bush @sallyg @starrlight and @joannem. As you probably already have researched, increasingly CEA levels can mean many things.
Why is my CEA level normal, but I was diagnosed as colon cancer?
2023年7月12日 · My CEA was < 2.0 in March 2023 prior to my colon surgery in April. I had a cancerous polyp discovered during my colonoscopy in February. My understanding is that the CEA blood test gave the surgeon an idea if the cancerous antigens had entered my blood stream through the blood vessels in the wall of the colon and had traveled to other organs.
Slightly elevated CEA - Mayo Clinic Connect
2021年7月18日 · I recently had a blood test for a life insurance company to see if I would qualify for coverage. I also had routine colonoscopies when I turned 50(completely clear) and 60( removed benign polups. I am 62. My CEA number from the recent blood test showed my CEA to be 4.9(which the company puts an average range of 0.2.5 or up to 3.0.
Elevated CEA levels: Could unrelated surgery be this cause?
2024年11月14日 · Scientists first discovered CEA in 1968 when they isolated extracts of liver metastasized by colorectal cancer and also from normal fetal digestive tract. Everyone is born with high levels of this protein. CEA decreases as you get older, but some conditions, including certain types of cancer, can increase your blood CEA levels.
CEA Level Increase – Previous cancer diagnosis - Mayo Clinic …
2024年12月30日 · robj67, CEA can be elevated in some types of prostate cancer. It could indicate the presence of the cancer in soft tissue. The PSMA/PET will yield the location of recurrence. There are many non-malignant causes for elevated CEA including smoking, hemorrhoids, gastritis, even taking aspirin.
Worried about rising CEA levels - Mayo Clinic Connect
2017年5月31日 · CEA levels were between 5-9 but the doctors considered that normal for her case. Long story short - her life was practically back to normal. Until her last regular check up this month (Feb 2019) where doctors found a slightly elevated CEA level (12) and a lesion on her spleen and liver. They're doing a biopsy on these lesions to see if cancerous.
Had colon cancer and now CEA is rising: Scared
2022年4月26日 · What levels of CEA indicate cancer? There’s no magic number or threshold for a CEA test that points to cancer. Healthcare providers don’t use the CEA test to screen for or diagnose cancer. In general, a CEA level of more than 2.9 ng/mL is considered abnormal but doesn’t necessarily mean that cancer is present.
Is it possible to have very high CEA and CA19-9 without cancer?
2023年5月24日 · I've read that other situations can elevate the test results even if cancer isn't present, although I don't know what those situations would be. In my case, my CEA was 13.X and my CA19-9 was 1736. I was positive for pan can stage 4 based on endoscopy and then a biopsy and visual check performed during a laparoscopy the following week.
XALKORI (crizotinib) - Mayo Clinic Connect
2019年10月19日 · My CEA number has been reduced by 50% since taking Xalkori, so this is great news and worth the side effects. In the 2 years since my diagnosis my bi-weekly CEA blood count has accurately been confirmed by regular ct scans taken throughout chemo, radiation, 2 different immunotherapies, so watching it drop is reason to celebrate.
Signatera Numbers are sky high and I'm terrified
2023年10月21日 · My last CEA test was in July and my number was 0.4 (when my Signatera number was 58). I don't know if my CEA climbed commensurate with the Signatera climb since no further CEA tests were done. All that being said, I think I am down off the ceiling in terms of panic and thinking I'll be dead in less than a year, which is really important, of course.