PIC Packaging - CEA/Leti (english)
CEA-Leti offers a full set of processes enabling high performance packaging of Photonic Integrated Circuits (PIC). This offer includes: Flip-chip interconnect of the PIC to an Electronic IC (e.g. driver, TIA.); copper pillars or Under Bump Metallization are post-process ed on PIC wafers before assembly.
Silicon Photonics - CEA/Leti (english)
Silicon Photonics is becoming a key material platform enabling technology for high-speed connectivity in data centers. In the near future, Photonic Integrated Circuits (PIC) will be bringing significant changes to high-performance computers and unlocking the full potential of AI by resolving the transmission bottleneck limits of electronics.
Testing Silicon Pic - CEA/Leti (english)
CEA-Leti offers on-wafer photonic integrated circuit (PIC) testing services, including optical, electrical and/or electro-optical tests. Thousands of dies can be measured in one day, depending on circuit complexity and characteristics.
CEA-Leti’s fabrication platform for silicon Photonic Integrated Circuits (PIC) enables large-scale integration of active and passive devices in a flexible CMOS-
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测试PIC的光学特征 - EXFO
pic是一个紧凑的光子系统,通过将数十个、数百个甚至数千个单独的器件组合到一个拇指 大小的芯片上来实现复杂的功能。 PIC与电子集成电路(EIC)非常相似,也在可能包含数百
细说肿瘤标志物之癌胚抗原(CEA) - 知乎专栏
CEA 是一种具有人类胚胎抗原特异性的酸性糖蛋白,于 1965 年由 Gold 和 Freedman首先从结肠癌和胚胎组织中提取的一种肿瘤相关抗原,随后在多种其他类型的肿瘤患者、有多年吸烟史的人群或有某些其他非恶性疾病患者的血液中均可检测到 CEA 的浓度升高。 其生理来源通常来源于胎儿的胚胎内胚层上皮,受胎儿致癌基因控制,常在出生后从血清中消失,然而,少量的 CEA 可能残留在结肠组织中,CEA及其相关基因(29个中其中18个正常表达)构成了人类的CEA家族, …
The PIXAPP project has established the world’s first open access, Photonic Integrated Circuit (PIC), pilot assembly and packaging line. It combines a strong interdisciplinary team of Europe’s leading industrials and research organizations.
Best Practice: CEA-Leti | ALLPROS.eu
CEA-Leti is one of the leading research institutes in microelectronics and nanotechnologies. CEA-Leti offers on-wafer photonics integrated circuit (PIC) testing services. Through cooperation in different EU-funded projects, CEA-Leti fosters cooperative efforts that drive the advancement of the EU semiconductor value chain.
CEA-Leti Clears Path to low Loss High-Power Photonics
CEA-Leti Clears Path to low Loss High-Power Photonics Monday 3rd February 2020 Si 3 N 4 200mm platform targets designers in integrated quantum optics, LiDAR, biosensing, and imaging
肿瘤标志物科普--CEA - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
cea测定主要用于指导各种肿瘤的治疗及随访,对肿瘤患者血液或其他体液中的cea浓度进行连续观察,能对病情判断、预后及疗效观察提供重要的依据。 CEA的检测对肿瘤术后复发的敏感度极高,可达80%以上,往往早于临床、病理检查及 X光检查 。
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