CEAS腔增强吸收光谱技术 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
CEAS通过扫描激光频率,使之与谐振腔某一腔模频率产生共振而激发腔内光场,获得最大吸收光程,测量通过谐振腔的透射光信号。 CEAS常用的锁定方法有2种, 电锁定 (Pound-Drever-Hall,PDH)技术和 光反馈技术。 腔增强吸收光谱技术经过20多年的科研工作不断发展,其技术上也得到了不断的改进和创新,发展了目前主流的 光学频率梳腔增强吸收光谱 CE-DFCS, 离轴积分腔增强吸收光谱 Off-AxisICOS,光学反馈腔增强吸收光谱OF-CEAS, 噪声免疫腔增强光学外 …
近红外光学反馈线性腔增强吸收光谱技术 | 光学 精密工程 -- 中国光 …
腔增强吸收光谱技术(Cavity Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy, CEAS)利用激光在腔镜之间的多次反射,增长光与气体介质的作用路径,从而提升探测灵敏度。CEAS的主要噪声来源于激光-腔耦合效率的低下和腔模幅度的起伏。
FDM-assisted OA-CEAS system for simultaneous measurements of ...
2025年3月1日 · A system based on off-axis cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy (OA-CEAS) integrated with frequency division multiplexing (FDM)-assisted wavelength modulation spectroscopy (WMS) was developed for simultaneous measurements of temperature, CO 2, and CO in flames by employing two distributed feedback (DFB) diode lasers at 2.0 µm and 2.3 µm.
Intercomparison of in situ CRDS and CEAS for measurements of ...
2018年2月1日 · Cavity ring down spectroscopy (CRDS) and cavity enhanced absorption spectrometer (CEAS) were used to measure N2 O 5 at the campus of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS) from February 21, 2016 to March 4, 2016.
Cavity-Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy - ScienceDirect
Cavity-Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy is a technique in which a breath gas sample is enclosed in an optical cavity made of highly reflective mirrors, allowing for a compact setup and an effective absorption path length of tens of kilometers.
近红外光学反馈线性腔增强吸收光谱技术 - founderss.cn
2021年6月21日 · 腔增强吸收光谱技术(Cavity Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy, CEAS)利用激光在腔镜之间的多次反射,增长光与气体介质的作用路径,从而提升探测灵敏度。CEAS的主要噪声来源于激光-腔耦合效率的低下和腔模幅度的起伏。
Understanding the sensitivity of cavity-enhanced absorption ...
2012年9月18日 · The CEAS enhancement factor, Q, is given by the ratio of S/N of CEAS and that of a single pass measurement, i.e.
Extensive characterization of the optical feedback cavity enhanced ...
2008年2月20日 · A detailed signal-to-noise ratio analysis estimates the measurement spectral precision as being 3 MHz (short time scale averaging). The paper describes in detail an implementation of the highly sensitive optical feedback cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopic (OF-CEAS) technique.
使用光反馈腔增强吸收光谱 (OF-CEAS) 高精度测量大气双氧 δ18O
2024年2月19日 · 为了解决这个问题,我们开发了一种基于 OF-CEAS(光学反馈腔增强吸收光谱)技术的新仪器,能够实现高时间分辨率和连续测量分子氧浓度以及O 2的 δ 18 O ,两者同时地。 艾伦偏差最小发生在 10 至 20 分钟之间,而 O 2浓度的精度达到 0.002 %,O 2的 δ 18 O 的精度达到 0.06 ‰ ,这对应于漂移开始降低测量结果之前的最佳积分时间和分析精度。 虽然湿度对测量值影响不大,但 O 2浓度对 O 2的 δ 18 O有影响,因此应对其进行量化。 为了确保 O 2浓度和O …
signal-to-noise ratio (if dominated by shot or thermal noise), and an important issue therefore is the extent of the tradeoff between higher R, implying longer absorption path length, and lower T, implying lower signal-to-noise ratio. This in many ways distinguishes CEAS from the more traditional long-path techniques such as the White or
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