Question: Why does CEL Token Exist? : r/CelsiusNetwork - Reddit
2022年1月2日 · The point of Cel was to raise money and bring value to the company without all the hassle of an IPO. Cel tokens don’t provide equity or shares in the company. The issue I see with that is Cel token (in its current form) might have to compete with Celsius Network’s stock when the company goes public.
Unpopular Opinion: The Purpose of CEL Token is Largely Benefit …
CEL token achieves added value by burning ( a long term macro effect ) and by paying Yield on CEL. This is a revenue stream from Celsius directly to investors, the 4.86% rate and the loyalty bonus's come from profits AFTER yield generation and …
How to use MetaMask to buy Cel Token? : r/CelsiusNetwork - Reddit
2021年2月24日 · Hi, probably a beginner’s q, but I have ETH in my Celsius wallet and I can’t figure out how to use Metamask to convert it into Cel Token. Does anyone have any links to helpful tutorials?
Ch11 plan deepens the CEL token scam : r/CelsiusNetwork - Reddit
2023年4月1日 · The Plan is essentially a compromise: CEL Token Deposit Claims are not subordinated, but they are valued at a lower 20 cent valuation (as opposed to their value on the petition date of 81 cents), but Other CEL Token Claims (e.g., claims based upon fraudulent sale of CEL) are subordinated and effectively treated as equity claims.
What is the value proposition of the CEL token? - Reddit
2021年8月16日 · What is the value proposition of the CEL token? Can somoene please explain the value proposition of CEL. It doesnt really make sense to me. Essentially, you convert 25% of your funds to earn 25% extra yield, but that equation isn't equal. In terms of passive gains, for it to be equal the new yield would have to be 33.33% higher than the old ...
Simon Dixon's Plan is good except for the Cel token which
2022年10月12日 · The Cel token was marketed heavily to normal people too, and they are the ones who provided all the startup money in the ICO. But I agree it sucks that guys like Nuke (with 13706.40573537 Cel) and Alex (with 1219183.375 Cel) make out like bandits with huge amounts of Cel token they got for free in the first place.
Best Way to Transfer CEL Token Away from Celsius? - Reddit
2021年11月2日 · Best Way to Transfer CEL Token Away from Celsius? What is the best/cheapest way to transfer CEL token away from Celsius, convert it, and ultimately send it (in whatever form) to Binance, FTX, Voyager, or KuCoin? ADDENDUM: I should have been clearer.
What gives the CEL Token value? : r/CelsiusNetwork - Reddit
2022年2月3日 · What gives the CEL Token value? Hi Guys Recently stumpled upon Celsius, and im only sad that i didn't discover it earlier. However, i am wondering what exactly gives the CEL token any sort of value besides higher rates (for a limited amount).
How to buy CEL token (guide) : r/CelsiusNetwork - Reddit
2020年6月23日 · How to buy CEL token (guide) 8 comments Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment flarged • 4 yr. ago
The UCC has revealed why they think CEL token claims should be …
2023年3月2日 · The UCC has revealed why they think CEL token claims should be valued at $0.20 The UCC recently released this document, which is an explanation of why they believe retail clawbacks are justified, why Novawulf was the best offer avaliable, and other topics: