Update/edit in the OP: Vintage Blackface Deluxe Reverb
2022年6月9日 · To your question though, I did have a well broken in Celestion Gold in my vintage 66 Deluxe Reverb for a while. Surprisingly it still retains what I consider a Fender type tone. It does differ however from the American type speakers usually recommended for this amp like the GA, Jupiter, WGS and Weber.
Fane F70 vs Celestion Creamback H75 Recording demos....Just …
2018年1月4日 · The Fane70 sounds great. Super smooth, articulate mids, nice crunch, not offensive.. just a killer speaker. I'm a Celestion guy through and through, but if someone is looking forward an alternative to their Celestions, I think the F70 deserves a serious look. I don't know of a better alternative.
Celestion Gold 10” or Warehouse Guitar Speakers ... - The Gear Page
2018年3月2日 · Not sure a Celestion Gold 10 -- or anything truly comparable -- should be anywhere near a conversation about "maximum clean headroom." It's only a 40-watt alnico-magnet driver. And it's a Celestion. It was made to 1) sound great clean at relatively tame volumes while being able to 2) make nice with drive.
Celestion V-Type, what is the verdict? | Page 2 | The Gear Page
2017年9月15日 · To me it didn't sound much better than the Celestion Seventy-80 G12P that came with an extension cab I currently have (Hot rod deluxe closed back 1x12 ) ..it did sound different than the seventy-80, but to say better or worst its a tough call, just different frequencies, 70-80 a little more open low end while the v type seemed tighter in the ...
celestion - The Gear Page
2024年12月3日 · As we all know, the Celestion V-Type was a great success since it was released. Some great amp builders like Suhr, PRS, Fender and others load their combos with these speakers. I would like to categorize the tone profile of this speaker with the help of all of you guys. Some described...
Celestion F12-X200 Guitar Speaker for Amp Modellers and IRs.
2018年1月25日 · From the Celestion page: A dedicated guitar speaker for amp modellers and IRs. The F12-X200 is a truly full range driver that delivers a frequency response from 60Hz all the way up to 20kHz, the higher frequency part of the signal is reproduced using a Celestion compression driver which has been integrated using a high quality crossover circuit.
Celestion G12H-30 s VS Vintage 30's - The Gear Page
2011年3月15日 · I have a 1960 AV cab and it says Vintage speakers by Celestion - I've heard these are the V30 and I'm surprised because these sound very warm with my Marshall Plexi's. I don't get the ice pick or mids spike, etc. They sound warm and well-balanced to me. Then again, I don't use too much treble either - failry flat eq.
Celestion IRs in the new 8.x firmware from Fractal
2017年5月30日 · I like the two G12H Creamback 30 and 75 IRs they included quite a bit. Enough that I plopped down a princely $13 to buy 4x12 Creamback 75 IR set from Celestion. The Fractal folks said they custom mixed the Celestion IRs in the new firmware, but made them close-ish to what Celestion calls their high gain mix - my ears tell me that's about right.
Celestion Greenback (T1511) Cone Question | The Gear Page
2018年1月20日 · Interesting and cool pair. Yes, the original T1511 spec was 20W/15 ohm 55c/s res, and SP444 was the Celestion part # for the cone. By late '68 like these they were 25W/16ohm/55c/s. And Pusonic # "102 014" was the 55c/s …
Celestion g12-65's bigger brother - The Gear Page
2018年1月11日 · Simple answer. The Mesa Store in Hollywood sells Black Shadow made by Celestion. It is essentially a Celestion C 90, which is like a 90 watt version of a G12-65. I have a couple 2x12 cabinets, 2x12 combo and a 4x12 all with G12-65s. I wanted to do a 1x12, but needed to have more power in a 1x12.