G0 phase - Wikipedia
Many mammal cells, such as this 9x H neuron, remain permanently or semipermanently in G 0. The G0 phase describes a cellular state outside of the replicative cell cycle. Classically [when?], cells were thought to enter G 0 primarily due to environmental factors, like nutrient deprivation, that limited the resources necessary for proliferation.
什么是细胞周期?细胞周期时间如何确定? - 知乎
细胞周期(cell cycle)是指能持续分裂的真核细胞从一次有丝分裂完成到下一次分裂结束的循环过程,一般分为间期和分裂期两个阶段。其中分裂间期持续时间远长于分裂期,在一个正常的细胞周期中,间期持续时间约占整个细胞周期的90%左右。
Genomic hallmarks and therapeutic implications of G0 cell cycle …
2023年5月23日 · Lastly, we demonstrate that G0 arrest underlies unfavourable responses to various therapies exploiting cell cycle, kinase signalling and epigenetic mechanisms in single-cell data. We propose a G0 arrest transcriptional signature that is linked with therapeutic resistance and can be used to further study and clinically track this state.
What Is the G0 Phase of the Cell Cycle? - BiologyInsights
2025年2月8日 · Explore the G0 phase of the cell cycle, its role in tissue maintenance, and how cells transition back to active phases. The cell cycle is essential for cell growth, replication, and repair. Among its phases, G0 is where cells exit the active cycle, entering a quiescent state.
Phases of cell cycle: G0, G1, S, G2, M - Jack Westin
The cell cycle has two major phases: interphase (G0, G1, S, G2) and the mitotic phase (M). The cell cycle is an ordered series of events involving cell growth and cell division that produces two new daughter cells.
The molecular architecture of cell cycle arrest - PMC
In addition to these four proliferative phases, cells may also “exit” the proliferative cell cycle into a state of cell cycle arrest, often referred to as G0. While arrested, cells still perform many essential cellular functions including metabolism, secretion, transcription, and translation.
Cell Cycle G0 Phase - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
In G0 phase, cells respond to extracellular signals by entering the G1 phase of the cell cycle. However, prior to transiting into the late G1 phase, they must traverse the growth factor-dependent restriction point.
A novel cell-cycle-indicator, mVenus-p27K - Nature
2014年2月6日 · In this study, a fusion protein consisting of mVenus and a defective mutant of CDK inhibitor, p27 (p27K −) was shown to be able to identify and isolate a population of quiescent cells and to...
G0 Phase - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
In mammalian cells, the G1 is the most critical phase of the cell cycle where the cell fate decision is determined either to proceed for division or exit from the cell cycle. Due to unfavorable growth conditions or inhibitory signals, cells may stay for longer periods in the G1 phase or even enter into a prolonged non-dividing state, often ...
G0 Phase of the Cell Cycle | Overview & Importance
2023年11月21日 · The G0 phase, also known as the resting phase, is the period of the cell cycle during which the cell is neither dividing nor preparing to divide. The G0 phase is often thought of as an...