B2 Centauro - Passed - War Thunder — official forum
2023年7月18日 · poll General Info The story of the B2 Centauro would begin around 2010, previous work from OTO Melara, such as the making of the B1 Centauro armed with a 120mm cannon, had lead OTO Melara to gain enough know-how to begin the development of a new and improved version of the B1 Centauro. Eventually on June Eurosatory 2016 the B2 Centauro II MGS was presented to the masses of military vehicle ...
Will Italy get centauro 2? - Ground Vehicle - War Thunder
2023年12月12日 · Iirc so far this is the only vehicle (apart from event) which was on the leak list, but wasn’t shown yet, though there wasn’t any official indication of Centauro 2 coming this update. Italian rank 8 tank is C1 Ariete AMV PT1 🤡
B2 Centauro per l'esercito italiano, confermato il sistema di ...
2024年3月15日 · E’ uscito oggi un video interessante sul canale youtube dell’esercito italiano dove si mostra nei test la blindo Centauro 2. Qui il link: Come si vede intorno al minuto 1 viene mostrato il sistema di autoricarica in azione, confermando che la versione senza di esso è, per ora, solo stata comprata da stati esteri, mentre quella con …
Pre-Order: Centauro RGO and Strv 121B Christian II
2024年2月22日 · The Centauro RGO is a special version of the Italian Centauro I wheeled light tank for the Royal Guard of Oman, which is built on a modern chassis and also features reinforced turret armor. Overall, this is one of the best light tanks in the game thanks to its max speed of over 100 km/h, a 120 mm gun that can fire effective sub-caliber shells ...
B2 Centauro (105/52) - Ground - War Thunder — official forum
2024年7月7日 · poll Description: The B2 Centauro (105/52) is an Italian wheeled tank destroyer made by the Italian company Leonardo. The development of the B2 Centauro started back in 2011, when the Italian company OTO Melara started the development of a new wheeled vehicle for the Italian army with an improved hull, a new turret, better armor, mine protection, and a 120 mm cannon. After four years of ...
Where is the Centauro B2 - War Thunder - Official Forum
2024年7月11日 · I really hope to see this soon. It would be such a cool 12.0 vehicle. It wouod get the proxy heat rounds dm11 and dm63. Potentially 3 second reload for first 6 rounds + 1. Its also faster and more survivable than the c1 centauro.
B1 Centauro Serie II - Ground - War Thunder — official forum
2024年5月21日 · poll Description: The B1 Centauro Serie II is an Italian wheeled tank destroyer of the cold war. It’s development started in the early eighties, when the Italian army requested a new mobile platform with great firepower capable of defending the Adriatic coast areas against a Soviet invasion before the tanks could arrive. The Italian consortium CIO that was working on an IFV, to save time and ...
B2 Centauro - Machinery of War Discussion - Official Forum
2023年7月4日 · General info <details><summary>Spoiler</summary>The story of the B2 Centauro would begin around 2010, previous work from OTO Melara, such as the making of the B1 Centauro armed with a 120mm cannon, had lead OTO Melara to gain enough know-how to begin the development of a new and improved version of the B1 Centauro. Eventually on June Eurosatory 2016 the B2 Centauro II MGS was presented to the ...
Précommande: Centauro RGO et Strv 121B Christian II
2024年2月22日 · Aujourd’hui, nous annonçons deux véhicules pouvant être précommandés avant la prochaine mise à jour majeure: le char léger à roues Centauro RGO en service dans la Garde royale d’Oman et le prototype suédois Strv 121B possédant son propre nom, Christian II. Découvrez le Centauro RGO Le Centauro RGO est une version spéciale du char léger à roues italien Centauro I pour la Garde ...
C1 Ariete (Hitfact MK2) - War Thunder - Official Forum
2023年7月4日 · General Info <details><summary>Spoiler</summary>The C1 Ariete Hitfact MK2 is the an Ariete that Leonardo had revealed in on one of their brochures and other promotional material which showcases the Ariete to be able to integrate the Hitfact MK2 turret. The turret is the same one intalled unto the B2 Centauro II, an evolution of the B1 Centauro which incorporates all the new advancements in ...