Adapters Attenuators Terminations DC Blocks Cables Couplers ; …
We have >750,000 RF and Microwave passive components we can ship you today, including Coaxial Adapters, Attenuators, Cable Assemblies, Power Dividers, Terminations, Couplers, Bias T's, and more. Currently our products span 0-110ghz.
RF / Microwave Circulators
RF & Microwave Circulators. 1.0mm Cable Assemblies . 110 Ghz 1.0mm-1.0mm Flexible; 110 Ghz 1.0mm-1.0mm Formable
Connectors - N Cable Connectors - <18 Ghz - Centric RF
Centric RF; Southwest Microwave; Micromode; Times Microwave; Huber Suhner; MDL; Harbour; View all Brands; Home; Connectors; N Cable Connectors <18 Ghz <18 Ghz. Quick view. CX4051 N Male Straight Cable Connector RG405 086 Solder/Clamp. $1-9: $20.00 $10-24: $19.40 Spec: Call/E-mail for info Qty in stock: 299
Hermetic Adapters Centric RF
Centric RF; Southwest Microwave; Micromode; Times Microwave; Huber Suhner; MDL; Harbour; View all Brands; Home; Adapters; Hermetic Adapters; Hermetic Adapters. The various hermetic adapters we sell are listed here. Quick view. C2513 TNC Bulkhead Adapter Hermetic 1x10-8 VSWR 1.2 8Ghz; VSWR 1.6 11Ghz.
Bias T's / Tee's - centricrf.com
Centric RF offers Coaxial Bias T's so that a DC voltage can be applied to the rf signal path. These Bias Tee's (aka bias t) currently are offered with sma and 2.92mm connectors. Bias T's are implemented by attaching a broadband inductor to the circuit trace, with the power rating of the bias tee being determined by the size of the inductor.
Connectors - BNC Cable Connectors - Centric RF
Centric RF; Southwest Microwave; Micromode; Times Microwave; Huber Suhner; MDL; Harbour; View all Brands; Home; Connectors; BNC Cable Connectors; BNC Cable Connectors. Quick view. CX1423 BNC Male Connector for RG142 Crimp/Solder. $1-9: $12.00 $10-24: $11.64 Spec: Call/E-mail for info Qty in stock: 514
SMA to Type N Adapters
SMA to Type N Adapters. 11 & 18ghz. Brass, Stainless Steel. Ship from stock. ISO9001
N 5 to 50 Watt Terminations & Loads - centricrf.com
N 5-50 Watt Terminations & Loads. 1.0mm Cable Assemblies . 110 Ghz 1.0mm-1.0mm Flexible; 110 Ghz 1.0mm-1.0mm Formable
2.92mm Flexible Phase Stable over Temp/Flex - centricrf.com
Centric RF; Southwest Microwave; Micromode; Times Microwave; Huber Suhner; MDL; Harbour; View all Brands; Home; Cable Assemblies; 2.92mm Cable Assemblies; 40 Ghz 2.92mm Flexible L Loss P Stable Temp/Flex; 40 Ghz 2.92mm Flexible L Loss P Stable Temp/Flex. These new low loss cable assemblies offer our best phase stability, over temperature and ...
2.92mm Terminations - Centric RF
2.92mm 40GHZ Terminations Male & Female 0-2 Watts. ISO9001