Pros and Cons of C172 vs. PA28 Warrior/Cherokee as training aircraft
2012年12月16日 · For a same year 172/PA28, it's same/same as a training platform. They're both good, stable platforms with good flight training characteristics. Each has a couple advantages …
What is too windy for training in a 172? | Pilots of America
2012年3月24日 · retman, I couldn't imagine flying a 172 in 40-50 knots at runway elevation. I live in the Appalachians and it is often very windy here in these hills as well. I'm definitely going to …
172 vs Cherokee - Pilots of America
2011年7月13日 · What is always so complex to a new buyer is that the Cherokee line consists of a whole slew of different aircraft, while the 172 is, well, the 172, with very minor variations over …
Cessna 172 long range tanks - Pilots of America
2011年4月19日 · The 172 RG's get alot of crap but his 15 year old plane (at the time) was pretty sweet It cruised at 138 knots, had a 180 HP lycoming with constant speed prop. He owned it …
172 vs 177 vs 182 - Pilots of America
2017年3月19日 · 172 is great for training or short trips with 2 people maybe 3 depending on weight. 177 is a terrific plane if it has the 160 or better 180hp engine. It handles better then …
Cessna 172R, 172S - "Mixture Idle Check" - Pilots of America
2012年1月19日 · Thanks All. The checklist is provided by the flight school. The same entry re a “Mixture Idle Check … 10/50 RPM MAX RISE” appears in the checklists for both the Cessna …
Forward Slips with Flaps, Cessna... Is it Ok? | Pilots of America
2009年3月28日 · The older 172's may have the nose drop if slipped with full flaps. The thought is the nose drop would get you in a bind if it happened at low level. Supposedly the later 172's …
Cessna 172 engine conversions - Backcountry Pilot
2015年6月16日 · Cessna 172 engine conversions I have a 170B we’ve owned for 25 years and although it doesn’t make financial sense, I’ll someday replace the O-300 with a Continental IO …
Diamond DA40 vs Cessna 172 - Pilots of America
Getting used to a 172 with 40 degrees of flaps was initially a challenge. The DA-40 is off my list of planes I would currently buy because: 1) The G1000-WASS-GFC 700 autopilot versions are …
Cessna Cutlass 172RG - Pilots of America
2008年5月14日 · The 172RG is what you want if you want a Cessna and you ONLY want to do complex training. As an airplane the 172RG isn't nearly as nice as a Cardinal RG in any way, …