Canadair CF-5 - Wikipedia
The Canadair CF-5 (officially designated the CF-116 Freedom Fighter) is a Canadian licensed-built Northrop F-5 Freedom Fighter. It is a light, supersonic, twin engine, daylight air superiority fighter primarily for the Canadian Forces (as the CF-5) …
F-5戰鬥機 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
2025年2月23日 · F-5A/B自由鬥士 (Freedom Fighter)與 F-5E/F虎II式 (Tiger II)是 美國 諾斯洛普公司 於1962年推出的輕型戰機系列,受到諸多美國盟國與 第三世界國家 採用,各類衍生型從最早僅有對地攻擊能力的 F-5A,到強化空對空作戰能力的 F-5E,以及戰術 偵察 型 RF-5 等。
Canadair CF-116 (CF-5A) - Canada Aviation and Space Museum
As the fighter version was well suited for defending a small country’s borders, it became the developing world’s most widely used light-weight fighter through the U.S. Government’s Military Assistance Program. A modified version was built in Canada during the late 1960s and early 1970s, the last fighter manufactured in this country.
Canadair CF-5 Freedom Fighter (CF-116) Lightweight Fighter / …
2018年7月5日 · Page details technical specifications, development, and operational history of the Canadair CF-5 Freedom Fighter (CF-116) Lightweight Fighter / Fighter-Bomber Combat Aircraft including pictures.
2021年9月4日 · CF-5A:加拿大军队的单座战斗机版,是由加拿大空军空军授权允许以CF-116自由斗士战斗机为依据所授权生产,加拿大将其定名为CF-116A。 CF-5A (R):CF-5A的单座侦察机版,供加拿大军队使用,生产数量非常少,加拿大将其定名为CF-116A (R)。 CF-5D:加拿大武装军的双座教练机版,定名为CF-116D。 NF-5A:CF-5A的单座战斗机版,由荷兰皇家空军所用。 NF-5B:CF-5A的双座教练机版,由荷兰皇家空军所用。 SF-5A:F-5A的单座战斗机版,供西班牙 …
The CF-5A (single seat fighter version) continued in service as a tactical fighter until 1988, when the CF-18 Hornet replaced it. Canada's Air Force continued to use CF-5s with 419 Squadron in Cold Lake as advanced trainers until 1995.
Canadair (Northrop) CF-5A Freedom Fighter - Skytamer.com
The Canadair CF-5 (officially designated the CF-116 Freedom Fighter is the Canadair licensed-built version of the American Northrop F-5 Freedom Fighter aircraft primarily for the Canadian Forces (as the CF-5) and the Royal Netherlands Air Force (as the NF-5).
Aircraft Details - Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum
In 1965 the RCAF decided to replace its home based North American Sabres with a new aircraft. The F-5 was chosen and Canadair was selected to manufacture it, with Orenda Ltd. of Toronto building its General Electric J85 (GE)-15 turbojet engines. A total of 89 CF-5A fighters and 46 CF-5D trainers were purchased by the Canadian Armed Forces.
Canadian CF 5A/CF-5A (R) - YouTube
2020年10月2日 · The Canadair CF-5 (officially designated the CF-116 Freedom Fighter) is the Canadair licensed-built version of the American Northrop F-5 Freedom Fighter The Canadian Forces retired the type in...
CF-5 Freedom Fighter - A Breakthrough in Air Combat
2020年1月1日 · The CF-5 Freedom Fighter was more than just the Canadian F-5 Freedom fighter. See CF-5 photos, read about CF-5 top speed, cockpit, capabilities and more.