General Electric CF6 - Wikipedia
The General Electric CF6, US military designations F103 and F138, is a family of high-bypass turbofan engines produced by GE Aviation. Based on the TF39, the first high-power high …
CF6 Engine Family - GE Aerospace
The CF6-80A was selected to power two new twinjets, the Boeing 767 and Airbus A310. The CF6 engine family is a long-running jet engine program in commercial aerospace with more than …
CF6-80A Engine - Delta TechOps
Designed for short-to-medium range commercial jets, the CF6-80A has been in service since the late 1970s. Delta TechOps has serviced these engines since 1982. Reach an expert
The series CF6-80A (CF6-80A, -80A1, -80A2, -80A3) Dual rotor, axial flow, high bypass turbofan. The 14-
The CF6-80A and -80C2 are derived from the CF6-50, developed to power the DC-10 and later the A300B2/B4 and 747-200 in the 1970s. The CF6-50 and -80 are two-shaft engines.
The CF6 Technical Manual Index has been reformatted as follows: Engine Manuals and Supporting Manuals - Section 1 – EMs (Engine Manuals) Section 2 – PP IPCs (Powerplant …
CF6的前世今生, 通用电气50年前重返商业航空,振兴航空业务的 …
2018年6月28日 · 1975年,ge在波音747-200上推出了cf6-50。1978年,cf6-80a在空客a310和波音767上推出。 从二十世纪八十年代起,ge凭借cf6系列发动机顺利开拓商用航空市场,并占有 …
CF6 - 百度百科
cf6是通用电气公司研制的一种高涵道比涡轮风扇发动机,主要型号有cf6-45a2、cf6-50、(其中有cf6-50c、cf6-50c2、cf6-50e2)cf6-6d、cf6-80c2(cf6-80c2a2、cf6-80c2a5、cf6-80c2b2、cf6 …
CF6-80A MRO Services - CTS Engines
The CF6-80A was developed by General Electric to power the B767 and A310 model aircraft. Developed as an advanced model of the CF6 series of engines in the late 1970’s, it powered …
CF6 - MTU Aero Engines
The CF6, a two-shaft turbofan engine from GE Aerospace, is designed for medium- and long-haul widebody aircraft produced by Airbus and Boeing. MTU has been a key risk- and revenue …