CFIT.top: 从 局 域 到 互 联 - Where CFIT Lan Becomes The Top
Controlled Flight Into Terrain - Federal Aviation Administration
2022年2月4日 · Technological advances in situational awareness have dramatically reduced the number of General Aviation Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT) accidents over the past 20 years. Nevertheless, CFIT accidents continue to occur and at least half of them are fatal.
CFIT.Top:Where CFIT Lan Becomes the Top~CFIT萌萌哒~
可控飛行撞地 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
可控飛行撞地(英文:Controlled flight into terrain,簡稱CFIT)為航空事故的一種原因,意義為一架飛機可由機師正常控制,但因為一些失誤而撞上地面、水面或山壁進而墜毀 [1] 。
Controlled flight into terrain - Wikipedia
In aviation, a controlled flight into terrain (CFIT; usually / ˈ s iː f ɪ t / SEE-fit) is an accident in which an airworthy aircraft, fully under pilot control, is unintentionally flown into the ground, a body of water or other obstacle.
What is CFIT? FIT is defined as an unintentional collision with terrain (the ground, a mountain, a body of water, or an obstacle) while an aircraft is under positive control. Most often, the pilot or crew is unaware of the looming disaster until it is too late. FIT most commonly occurs in the approach or landing phase of flight.
CFIT (Controlled Flight Into Terrain)即可控飞行撞地,为航空事故的一种,意义为一架飞机可由机师正常控制,但因为一些失误而撞上地面、阻碍物或水面坠毁。 这个名词是由 波音 的工程师在1970年使用的。 为世界上航空航天遇难死亡数最高的事故。 据国外统计的资料,客机死亡人数约80%是由CFIT造成的。 CFIT发生的原因有很多,气象条件(多云、大雾)、导航设备故障(高度信息的错误指示或设置)、ATC引导错误、飞行员人为因素等等。 CFIT在GPWS系统开发应 …
2017年12月4日 · 在民航运输飞行中,国际飞行安全界流行“七大安全风险”之说,可控飞行撞地(cfit)排在前三甲。cfit就像一个隐形杀手,时刻威胁着航空安全。飞行员怎么做才能减少cfit的风险呢? 管控cfit风险的思路. 什么是可控飞行撞地?
What strategies can help prevent CFIT? Safety is paramount. There are several strategies both before, during and after flight that can help to increase safety and prevent a CFIT event. Before flight: • Utilize available sources of training and simulators and continue flying to maintain proficiency with equipment and in decision-making.
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