CFU-Mast - Wikipedia
In biology CFU-Mast is a colony forming unit. It gives rise to mast cells. [1][2] ^ Kasugai T, Tei H, Okada M, Hirota S, Morimoto M, Yamada M, Nakama A, Arizono N, Kitamura Y (March 1995). "Infection with Nippostrongylus brasiliensis induces invasion of mast cell precursors from peripheral blood to small intestine".
Myeloblast - Wikipedia
Myeloblasts are rather small cells with a diameter between 14 and 18μm. The major part is occupied by a large oval nucleus composed of very fine nonaggregated chromatin and possessing 3 or more nucleoli. The cytoplasm has a basophilic character and is devoid of granules, which is a major difference from the myeloblast's successor, the promyelocyte.
CD9 and megakaryocyte differentiation | Blood | American Society …
2001年4月1日 · Pluripotent CFU-GEMM, CFU-GM, and CFU-M progenitors were preferentially found in the CD9 low/mid fractions. Erythroid progenitors (BFU-E) were detected within the 3 fractions, with a slightly higher proportion in CD9 low and CD9 mid populations.
巨核细胞–红细胞祖细胞 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
巨核细胞–红细胞祖细胞 (megakaryocyte–erythroid progenitor cell 、或MEP、或人类HMEP [1])是一种,使人们产生 巨核细胞 及 红血球 的细胞。 [2][3] 它是从 共同骨髓祖 (CFU-GEMM)而得。 [4] ^ Mori Y, Iwasaki H, Kohno K; et al. Identification of the human eosinophil lineage-committed progenitor: revision of phenotypic definition of the human common myeloid progenitor. J. Exp. Med.
Hematopoiesis from Pluripotent Stem Cells - Thermo Fisher …
CFU-Mast differentiates as mast cells after cell activation in response to SCF and IL-3, also to IL-4 (interleukin-4), IL-5, and IL-9 (interleukin-9). IL-4 enhances colony formation by primitive hematopoietic precursor cells while IL-9 serves as a regulator …
CFU-GEMM - Wikipedia
CFU-GEMM is a colony forming unit that generates myeloid cells. CFU-GEMM cells are the oligopotential progenitor cells [1] [2] for myeloid cells; they are thus also called common myeloid progenitor cells or myeloid stem cells. "GEMM" stands for granulocyte, erythrocyte, monocyte, megakaryocyte. [3]
肥大细胞 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
肥大細胞(mast cell),發育源於骨髓CD34+前體細胞,是連接神經系統和免疫系統的橋梁,因為靠近周圍神經末梢而很早就可以感受神經纖維的活動。 肥大細胞激活後,可以釋放 炎症 因子並募集 免疫細胞 。
骨髓增殖性肿瘤 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
一类基于骨髓增殖性肿瘤的特征而制定的诊断方法包括有:红细胞质量测定(针对红血球增多症)、骨髓穿刺、骨髓活检、动脉血氧饱和度、碳氧血红蛋白水平、嗜中性粒细胞碱性磷酸酶水平、 维生素B 12 结合力以及血清尿酸检查 [7]。 根据世界卫生组织造血和淋巴肿瘤的分类,骨髓增殖性肿瘤分为依诊断特征分为以下几类: 1. 慢性粒细胞性白血病. 两个染色体(9号染色体 与 22号染色体)发生易位,此导致在22号染色体的BCR基因与9号染色体的ABL基因相融合,有三种类 …
微生物实验中的CFU是什么意思? - 知乎专栏
2022年3月28日 · CFU是 菌落形成单位 (Colony-Forming Units),是指在 琼脂平板 上经过一定温度和时间培养后形成的每一个菌落,是计算细菌或霉菌数量的单位。 我们都知道,微生物无处不在,而且微生物个体十分小,肉眼无法直接进行观察,必须要借助 显微镜 进行观察,一些不 ...
Mast cell growth factor (c-kit ligand) supports the growth of …
1991年11月1日 · The data showed a high replating efficiency of cord blood and bone marrow CFU-GEMM in response to Epo + MGF in terms of the percentage of colonies that could be replated and the number of secondary colonies formed per replated primary colony.