About CGBio Introduce Message CEO Business Area Global Business History Contact Us. Network; Global Network; R & D R&D Introduction R&D Areas Accreditation and patent Research Info. Product All Bone/Spinal. NOVOSIS; BONGENER; ... CGBio_Logo. Head Office : F3, 211, Itaewon-ro, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea
CGBio Inc, is a total healthcare provider with the goal of enhancing the quality of life by offering a range of innovative solutions for the whole spectrum of spinal disorders and wound management. CGBio will contribute to patients and medical practitioners around the world through sustained R&D investment to develop leading edge bio products.
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CGBio Smart Factory obtains the BGMP certification… accelerating …
2023年4月17日 · CGBio, a company specializing in bio regenerative medicine, (representative director Hyun Seung Yu) announced on the 13th that its smart factory S-Campus has recently received the Brazil Good Manufacturing Practice (BGMP) certification from the Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (hereinafter referred to as the “ANVISA”).
CGmall - 시지바이오 공식몰
Corporate Name (Company Name) : (주)시지바이오 CEO (Name) : 유현승 Business Registration No.: [129-81-93513] E-commerce Permit 2022-서울용산-0512 [Mail-order Business Registration Number] Phone : 010-6880-7798 Fax : Address : 04349 211 Itaewon-ro, Yongsan-gu, Seoul (Hannam-dong) CG Bio, 3rd floor, Hannam Building Personal ...
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CGBIO - LinkedIn
Through extensive research activity, CGBIO is a leading manufacturer and distributor of comprehensive portfolio of allograft and synthetic bone grafts, spinal implants, GMP grade growth factors...
Global Business - CGBIO EN
At CG Bio, we are dedicated in providing high quality products portfolio of allograft, DBM, synthetic bone grafts, spinal implants, NPWT, Growth factors and advanced wound dressings. Our state of the art facility with 100 clean rooms, purified water system fit for human injection and well qualified technicians.