CASC Rainbow - Wikipedia
The CH-3 is a fixed-wing unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV). [6] It first flew in 2007. The CH-3 has a 70 kg payload, [ 7 ] and can carry the AR-1 air-to-ground missile and FT-9 guided bomb.
Chang Hong-3 (CH-3) - GlobalSecurity.org
2021年11月5日 · CASC’s CH-3 and CH-4 have primarily been exported as unmanned combat aerial vehicles (UCAVs) to militaries worldwide, including Iraq, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Myanmar, and the United Arab Emirates.
彩虹-3无人机 - 百度百科
彩虹-3无人机(代号:CH-3 UAV),由 中国航天科技集团公司第十一研究院 (中国航天空气动力技术研究院,现航天彩虹公司)自主研发,是一种由无线电 遥控设备 或自身程序控制装置操纵的 无人驾驶飞行器。 彩虹-3 无人机 中程 无人机系统 的主要装备构成包括:中程无人机、地面车载遥测遥控站和地面保障设备。 彩虹-3无人机采用的是 活塞发动机,最远航程能达到2400公里,巡航时间可达12小时,其间无须加油。 该飞机装有照相、摄像等装置,可作为 侦察机 使用。 [1] …
CASC Rainbow | Encyclopedia MDPI
2022年10月17日 · CH-3 is a fixed wing unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV) of the Rainbow series. The CH-3 adopts an unusual canard layout, similar to the Jetcruzer 450 and the Rutan VariEze. This means that the CH-3 lacks centrally located …
CASC CH-3 Rainbow Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle (UCAV) - Military Factory
2020年11月18日 · Page details technical specifications, development, and operational history of the CASC CH-3 Rainbow Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle (UCAV) including pictures.
中国装备志——彩虹3察打一体无人机无人机 - 知乎
2023年1月23日 · 彩虹3无人机共有两个武器挂架,主要弹药为 AR-1型空地导弹,该弹是世界首款专为无人机研发的远程制导弹药,其战斗全重仅45kg,但其重达6.8kg的高爆弹头具备1400毫米的最大破甲深度。 出口的彩虹3也有挂载体型较小的 FT-9型炸弹,其是中国航天科技集团公司九院微系统所研制的无人机专用50公斤级精确制导炸弹,填补了彩虹3无人机智能打击装甲目标对人员工事毁伤不足的缺点,对敌方暴露目标和恐怖分子营地威慑能力进一步加强。 早期型来自其他 …
CASC CH-3 Rainbow - Military Equipment Guide With Photos
The CH-3 is the armed version of the unarmed CH-1/CH-2 drone series. All products originate from China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) and are part of CASC's "Rainbow" UAV series, which started with the CH-1 and later evolved into the CH-901 model.
CASC Rainbow - Drone Jungle
The CH-3 is a fixed wing unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV) of the Rainbow series. The CH-3 adopts an unusual canard layout, similar to the Jetcruzer 450 and the Rutan VariEze. This means that the CH-3 lacks a centrally located vertical tail, with large winglets and canards instead.
CH-3A. Specifications. A photo. - Avia.pro
2017年1月26日 · Chinese multi-purpose UAV CH-3A designed to perform tasks related to the investigation, the implementation of observation flights and patrol operations. When the need arises, unmanned aerial vehicle can also be used as an independent combat unit, which is associated primarily with the fact that the drones armed with missiles for combat ground ...
此次飞行试验,验证了无人机飞行平台的120m超低空沿地形起伏飞行能力,获取了航磁系统、航放系统高质量勘探数据,解决了航空物探应用系统的气动、结构、通信、电磁兼容等系列问题,首次突破了国内无人机航空物探磁放综合站应用技术,取得了良好的示范应用效果,为我院CH-3A无人机在航空物探领域内的技术应用奠定了坚实的基础,同时也为我院无人机业务向民用领域延伸开辟了一条新的道路。 Copyright ©中国航天空气动力技术研究院 All Rights Reserved. 版权所有.