Map of CH8 9LE postcode - doogal.co.uk
Map of CH8 9LE postcode in Common.Road, Gwespyr, Wales with local information, lat/long: 53.337426, -3.335657, grid reference: SJ111831
Maes Gwynfryn, Gwespyr, Holywell, CH8 9LE - StreetScan
View information about Maes Gwynfryn, Gwespyr, Holywell, CH8 9LE postcode, including employment, safety, property prices, nearby schools, broadband, sport facilities, nearby restaurants and pubs.
CH8 9LE is the Postcode for Maes Gwynfryn, Gwespyr, , Clwyd
According to the 2021 Census, the CH8 9LE postcode is home to a bustling 66 residents! CH8 9LE is within the village of Gwespyr. The CH8 9LE postcode area is composed of 100% residential properties, 0% commercial properties, and 0% public properties.
Maes Gwynfryn, Holywell, CH8 9LE - 192.com
Who lives in Maes Gwynfryn, Holywell, CH8 9LE? And what businesses operate in this area? How much are people paying for property in Maes Gwynfryn? For this and lots of other information about CH8 9LE, click here!
House Prices in CH8 9LE - Rightmove
Explore Rightmove house prices to find out how much properties sold for in CH8 9LE.
CH8 9LE - Information of interest about Maes gwynfryn, Gwespyr ...
Maes gwynfryn is a street located in Holywell, with a postcode of CH8 9LE. There have been 13 property transactions in this postcode since 1995, with 8 unique properties. The most common property type in this street is semi.
Area Information for Maes Gwynfryn, Gwespyr, Holywell, Wales, CH8 9LE
Maes Gwynfryn in Gwespyr is in Wales. The postcode is within the Llanasa and Trelawnyd ward/electoral division, which is in the UK Parliamentary Constituency of Clwyd East. This page combines information for the address Maes Gwynfryn, Gwespyr, Holywell, Wales, CH8 9LE, and the neighbourhood in which it resides.
CH8 9LE maps, stats, and open data - GetTheData
Find data about Gwespyr postcode CH8 9LE including maps, open data, schools, flood risk, crime stats.
24 Maes Gwynfryn, Gwespyr, Holywell, Flintshire, CH8 9LE - The …
24 Maes Gwynfryn, Gwespyr is a semi-detached house spread over 1,012 square feet, making it one of the bigger properties here - it is ranked as the 8th most expensive property* in CH8 9LE, with a valuation of £136,000. Since it last sold in June 2001 for …
20 Maes Gwynfryn, Gwespyr, Holywell, CH8 9LE - UK Postcode …
The postcode for this property is CH8 9LE. 20 Maes Gwynfryn, Gwespyr is located at about 74m above sea level. This property is situated at an approximate latitude and longitude of 53.337431, -3.335658 respectively.
House prices in Maes Gwynfryn, Holywell, CH8 9LE - The Move …
The most expensive property that has sold in Maes Gwynfryn, CH8 9LE went for £140,000. There are 28 properties in CH8 9LE. Only 1 property has sold over the last 10 years in CH8 9LE. The last sale in CH8 9LE was for £100,000 in July, 2022. 75% of property sold in this postcode are semi-detached houses.
7 Maes Gwynfryn, Gwespyr, Holywell CH8 9LE - Zoopla
Use Zoopla to view property details for 7 Maes Gwynfryn Gwespyr Holywell CH8 9LE including a current value estimate, local information, birdseye views and more.
House Prices in Maes Gwynfryn, Gwespyr, Holywell, Flintshire, CH8
2008年6月4日 · Sold House Prices in Maes Gwynfryn, Gwespyr, Holywell, Flintshire, CH8. Explore Rightmove house prices to find out how much properties sold for in Maes Gwynfryn, Gwespyr, Holywell, Flintshire, CH8.
Djj E Consults Limited, 27 Maes Gwynfryn, Holywell, CH8 9LE
The postcode for this property is CH8 9LE. Djj E Consults Limited, 27 Maes Gwynfryn is located at about 74m above sea level. This property is situated at an approximate latitude and longitude of 53.337431, -3.335658 respectively.
House Prices - Zoopla
Find average house prices, current average values, other historic property data & request a valuation from an estate agent.
NiceAreas - Postcode Area - CH - District CH8 - Sector CH8 9
public green area score for the CH8 9 sector 7 out of 100 (higher is better - areas within three miles) primary schools score for the CH8 9 sector n/a out of 100 (higher is better - schools within one mile)
28 Maes Gwynfryn, Gwespyr, HOLYWELL, CH8 9LE - Zestate
28 Maes Gwynfryn, Gwespyr, HOLYWELL, CH8 9LE Property Information, Find all information related to this property. Sales Price, Map , Location, Postcode, Local Places, Bus Stops etc information
House prices for CH8 9LE, Maes Gwynfryn, Gwespyr, Holywell,
CH8 9LE is a residential postcode located onMaes Gwynfryn, Gwespyr, Holywell, CH8 with 28 houses within its bounds. The average house price is £147,071 and prices have decreased by an average of 0.4% in the last 12 months, whereas rental prices have behaved inversely, rising by 1.4%. CH8 9LE: An Overview28 residential address, all of which are ...
CH8 9 Postcode Sector: Your Complete Guide - Streetlist
CH8 9 is a postcode sector within the CH8 postcode district which is within the CH Chester postcode area. The Royal Mail delivery office for the CH8 9 postal sector is the Flint Delivery Office. The area of the CH8 9 postcode sector is 15.00 square miles which is 38.84 square kilometres or 9,597.50 square acres.
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