Home - Chaboya Middle School
Chaboya Middle School has a remarkable reputation for excellent academic programs, winning sports teams and exciting extra-curricular activities. Chaboya serves students who represent a beautifully rich, culturally diverse population with a multitude of talents and interests.
About - Chaboya Middle School
Chaboya Middle School provides a welcoming community environment that promotes safety, wellness, and 21st Century learning. In a partnership with our parents and community, we value diversity, integrity, and academic excellence, as we prepare our …
Calendars - Chaboya Middle School
Chaboya does NOT have weekly minimum days. The following days (mostly Thursdays) are the only scheduled minimum days:
Bell Schedule - Chaboya Middle School
Minimum Days Middle School. For the 2024-2025 school year, every Thursday is minimum day at our middle schools, unless otherwise noted below. Minimum days are shortened school days used for teacher preparation and staff development training.
Contact Us - Chaboya Middle School
Chaboya Middle School 3276 Cortona Drive San Jose, CA 95135. Phone: (408) 270-6900 Fax: (408) 270-6916. School Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. Email: [email protected] Website: chaboya.eesd.org. Principal: Michal Nozik Assistant Principals: Alicia Hom - Last Names A-M Student Services
Athletics Overview - Chaboya Middle School
Chaboya Middle School is part of the East Side Athletic League. Use the East Side Athletic League Site to view Chaboya's and other competing schools' schedules, stats, and scores for basketball, soccer and volleyball.
Staff Directory - Chaboya Middle School
Principal, Chaboya Middle School [email protected]. Office Staff. Bal, Kiran District Nurse [email protected]. Fernandez, Beatriz Academic Counselor Office [email protected] @ms.fernandez_schoolcounselor. Minicelli, Tammy Attendance Secretary [email protected]. Najam, Marla Health Office Assistant [email protected].
Parent Hub - Chaboya Middle School
Established in 1991, Chaboya is home of the Colts. Follow us and keep up with news and events at Chaboya.
Enrollment - Chaboya Middle School
Thank you for your interest in Chaboya Middle School! 7TH GRADE REQUIRED IMMUNIZATIONS A state immunization law requires all students entering 7th grade in California to be immunized with a pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine booster called Tdap.
STUDENT LIFE - Chaboya Middle School
A Colt's life is filled with activity and fun. Explore the many extracurricular activities and events that are a part of the Chaboya student experience.