Charango - Wikipedia
The charango is a small Andean stringed instrument of the lute family, from the Quechua and Aymara populations in the territory of the Altiplano in post-Colonial times, after European stringed instruments were introduced by the Spanish during colonization.
同一种乐器,演奏不同的人生 | 恰朗戈琴Charango - 百家号
2022年4月13日 · 在安第斯高原,有一种特别的乐器叫恰朗戈,原住民和梅斯蒂索人都很喜爱它,但他们却演奏出了两种截然不同的生活。 这期节目我们来讲两个关于恰朗戈的故事。 劳尔(我随便取的一个名字)住在秘鲁卡纳斯(Canas)省的丘陵地带,这里荒凉的山地上星星点点地散布着一些农庄和城镇。 劳尔今年已经18岁了,还没有谈过恋爱的他决定趁着即将到来的节日活动去镇上给自己物色一个对象。 对于害羞又不善言辞的劳尔来说,和姑娘搭讪根本不是一个可行的 …
What is a Charango? Get to Know This South American …
2022年7月18日 · A charango is what you’d get if you took a classic guitar, scaled it down to about the size of a ukulele, and made it out of an armadillo shell. It’s also one of the most celebrated instruments in Andean culture, with a long history and an …
恰朗戈 - 百度百科
恰朗戈charango 拨奏弦鸣乐器。 主要流行于秘鲁、玻利维亚、智利北部、阿根延西北部的拨弦乐器。 琴体形状近似 吉他,但较小,长约63.5厘米。 音区较高,共有10根琴弦。 两弦一组,其定音比较特殊,常见为g (g (、c (c (、e (e (、a (a (、e (e (。 在玻利维亚和阿根延,常用犰狳甲壳嵌在琴背板上。 在秘鲁则常用木制背板,有时也雕刻成犰狳甲壳形状恰朗戈的音色清亮铿锵,常与其他乐器一起为歌舞伴奏,也可独奏。 可演奏旋律及和弦。 与它相类似的南美民间拨弦乐器,尚有流行于哥 …
Charango: Icon Of Andean Music From South America
2021年12月27日 · The charango is a small ten-string Andean musical instrument from the lute family that originated from South America. When the Spaniards arrived in South America, they brought with them the vihuela. The vihuela is considered to …
The charango: What is its origin and its characteristics? - Perú Info
2022年1月19日 · Probably one of the most symbolic and representative instruments of Andean music is the charango. It is the one that is most used to interpret its music, because its sound is very particular due to its treble, even higher than that of the classical guitar.
The Charango, a Peculiar Instrument - World Music Central
2016年11月22日 · Inspired by Spanish guitars carried by the colonists, some of the first charangos appeared in the 18th century. The charango has become one of the most popular instruments in the Andean regions of Bolivia, Peru and northern Argentina.
Charango – Duke University Musical Instrument Collections
2012年2月28日 · Charangos originated in the northern Andes mountains, specifically thought to be the Bolivian city of Potosi, during the early 18th century. It was invented by the Aymara and Quecha peoples living there, traditionally made of shells from armadillos called “ quirquincho” and wood from the few trees in the area.
What in the World is a Charango? - Making Music Magazine
So, what’s a charango? This diminutive, multi-stringed, multi-coursed, hollow-bodied axe offers up sweet sounds reminiscent of a mando, a high-strung guitar, or a uke, and projects surprisingly well for such a small instrument.
Gustavo Santaolalla用的这把叫charango(或者说ronroco ... - 知乎
主要流行于秘鲁、玻利维亚、智利北部、阿根延西北部的拨弦乐器。 琴体形状近似吉他,但较小,长约63.5厘米。 在玻利维亚和阿根延,常用犰狳甲壳嵌在琴背板上。 在秘鲁则常用木制背板,有时也雕刻成犰狳甲壳形状恰朗戈的音色清亮铿锵,常与其他乐器一起为歌舞伴奏,也可独奏。 可演奏旋律及和弦。 与它相类似的南美民间拨弦乐器,尚有流行于哥伦比亚、厄瓜多尔的蒂普莱琴,以及流行于哥伦比亚、委内瑞拉的四弦琴等。 最早期的Charango是用已死的犰狳的殼做成的,但後來 …