Charcot Foot: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment - Cleveland Clinic
Charcot foot happens when a small injury or an infection causes severe complications because you can’t feel or notice the symptoms. If it’s not treated soon enough, Charcot foot can make the joints in your foot collapse and permanently affect your ability to use your foot.
Jean-Martin Charcot - Wikipedia
Jean-Martin Charcot (French: [ʒɑ̃ maʁtɛ̃ ʃaʁko]; 29 November 1825 – 16 August 1893) was a French neurologist and professor of anatomical pathology. [2] . He worked on groundbreaking work about hypnosis and hysteria, in particular with …
Charcot Foot: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Complications - WebMD
2024年8月20日 · Charcot foot, also called Charcot arthropathy, is a disease that attacks the bones, joints, and soft tissue in your feet. When it starts, you may not realize something’s wrong. But eventually, it...
神经性关节病 - 百度百科
Charcot于1868年首先描述神经性关节病故也称为charcot关节病,即夏科关节病。此类疾病为无痛觉所引起,又有无痛性关节病之称。是一种继发于神经感觉和神经营养障碍的破坏性关节疾病,多为成年人, 以40~60岁多见。 可以发生于任何关节和脊柱,发生于关节者常为单侧受累。 发病部位多和原发疾病密切相关。 因中枢或周围神经性疾病导致患者失去关节深部感觉,不能自觉调整肢体的位置,使关节经常遭受比正常大得多的冲击、震荡和扭转性损伤引起的。
Diabetic (Charcot) Foot - OrthoInfo - AAOS
There are many treatment options for the wide range of diabetic foot problems. The most effective treatment, however, is prevention. For people with diabetes, strict blood sugar control and careful, daily inspection of the feet are essential to both overall health and the …
Charcot Neuropathic Osteoarthropathy - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
2023年5月8日 · Charcot neuropathic osteoarthropathy is a destructive joint disorder initiated by trauma to a neuropathic extremity. It can lead to dislocations and fractures of the foot. Correct diagnosis and treatment of acute Charcot are imperative to decrease permanent foot deformity and allow for a stable and plantigrade foot that is suitable for ambulation.
Charcot Foot | UCSF Department of Surgery
Charcot foot is a progressive condition that involves the gradual weakening of bones, joints, and soft tissues of the foot or ankle. Charcot foot is a severe complication of diabetes and is caused by peripheral neuropathy (nerve damage) in which the person's foot or ankle becomes insensate (insensitive to pain).
查科三联征 - 百度百科
查科三联征又称夏科氏三联征(Charcot三联征),指发生急性胆管炎时,患者出现上腹部疼痛、寒战高热、黄疸这三个症状及体征即为查科三联征。 如果病情继续发展,在三联征的基础上,出现休克及精神症状,如谵妄、烦躁、嗜睡、昏迷等,则称为雷诺五联征,五联征出现后病死率会明显 …
Charcot Foot - APMA MAIN
What is Charcot foot? The term “Charcot foot” describes a pattern of bone and joint damage that results in weaknesses in the structure of the foot. If left untreated, it can lead to foot deformity.
Charcot foot and diabetes
Charcot foot is a condition where fractures don’t heal, joints dislocate and the foot can collapse. The condition can develop in some people with diabetes from peripheral neuropathy.