[2002.12088] Charm CPV: observation and prospects - arXiv.org
2020年2月27日 · An overview of the recent first observation of CP violation in the Charm sector by the LHCb collaboration. Selection of theoretical models explaining this measurement is reviewed. Finally, experimental prospects for future measurements are discussed. Bibliographic Explorer (What is the Explorer?) Litmaps (What is Litmaps?)
First (and only) measurement of CPV in charm... ...inconclusive whether it conforms to the Standard Model. To better understand CPV mechanism in charm, more information is needed: other channels, and other CPV sources. Today: showing LHCb results on topic, published 2021. Results promised at Implications workshop 2020 - delivered today!
Charmed neutral meson is the only one made of up-type quark. Mixing & CPV extremely suppressed in SM. Need further measurement to clarify theoretical interpretation, SM or NP? Reject bkg cutting on IP(D0 ). Residual time biases determined via 2D template fit to t vs. IP(D0) (self-conjugated multibody decay): Very successful Run 2.
Being a single-arm forward spectrometer with excellent vertex, interaction point and momentum resolution in combination with high efficient particle identification systems and large cc cross-section, LHCb can study charm physics, espe-cially possible CP violating processes, with higher precision than previous dedicated B-factory experiments.
2023年7月11日 · •Precision measurement of charm mixing and CPV is an important goal in heavy flavour physics for the next decade •Time-integrated measurements with C-even at STCF are unique and essential...
•Since the observation of CPV in charm decays [PRL 122 (2019) 211803], a systematic search for it in several other charm hadrons decays has been carried out by the LHCb collaboration
Implications on the first observation of charm CPV at LHCb
2019年3月26日 · It implies that the current understanding of the penguin dynamics in charm decays in the Standard Model is reasonable. Motivated by the success of the FAT approach, we further suggest to measure the D^+\to K^+K^-\pi^+ decay, which is the next potential mode to reveal the CPV of the same order as 10^ {-3}.
Charm CP V : Observation and Prospects - DocsLib
Therefore, it is important to search for ple of decays of 1010 D0 whose components are a charm new sources of CPV beyond the SM (BSM). The KM quark and an anti-up quark. Charmed mesons can be mechanism also predicts the existence of CPV in the produced as a direct result of proton-proton collisions (prompt production) or via weak decays of b ...
Charm CPV: observation and prospects - PubMed
2020年9月15日 · Charm CPV: observation and prospects. Charm CPV: observation and prospects Sci Bull (Beijing). 2020 Sep 15;65(17):1428-1431. doi: 10.1016/j.scib.2020.04.020. Epub 2020 Apr 17. Authors Miroslav Saur 1 , Fu-Sheng Yu 2 Affiliations 1 School of Physical Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China. Electronic address ...
Charm CPV: observation and prospects | Request PDF
2020年4月1日 · Charm physics studies with near-threshold production of charmed particle pairs are unique to BESIII, and provide many important opportunities and challenges.