Join a space in Google Chat - Computer - Google Chat Help
On your computer, open Google Chat or Gmail. In Gmail: On the left, click Chat. Click New chat Browse spaces. Search for a space. The spaces that you're invited to appear at the top of the …
Learn how to use Google Chat - Computer - Google Chat Help
On your computer, open Google Chat or Gmail. In Gmail: On the left, click Chat. Next to any section header (including “Direct messages” or any custom section you’ve previously created), …
Bergabung ke ruang di Google Chat
Di ponsel atau tablet Android, buka aplikasi Chat atau aplikasi Gmail . Di Gmail: Di bagian bawah, ketuk Chat . Di menu navigasi bawah, ketuk Bagian . Buka ruang yang ingin Anda tinggalkan. …
在 Google Chat 中加入聊天室 - 電腦 - Google Chat說明
在電腦上開啟 Google Chat 或 Gmail。 在 Gmail 中:按一下左側的「即時通訊」。 依序按一下「發起新即時通訊」 「瀏覽聊天室」。 搜尋所需的聊天室。 你受邀加入的聊天室會顯示在清單 …
Chat Support Help
Official Chat Support Help Center where you can find tips and tutorials on using Chat Support and other answers to frequently asked questions.
Use Google Chat in Gmail
You get the same features in Chat and Chat in Gmail, but the integrated Gmail experience provides a central location to communicate with friends, family, or coworkers between emails. …
Learn about spaces - Google Chat Help
Important: Space names are visible for all members of the domain with access to Chat service. To communicate with a group of people or an organization about a topic, project, or shared …
Bergabung ke ruang di Google Chat
Di komputer, buka Google Chat atau Gmail. Di Gmail: Di sebelah kiri, klik Chat. Klik Chat baru Jelajahi ruang. Telusuri ruang. Ruang tempat Anda diundang akan muncul di bagian atas …
Delete a space - Computer - Google Chat Help
On your computer, open Google Chat or Gmail.. In Gmail: On the left, click Chat.; Open the space that you want to delete.
Google Chat Help
Official Google Chat Help Center where you can find tips and tutorials on using Google Chat and other answers to frequently asked questions.