Vision Therapy | Crowder Eye Center, Chattanooga, TN
Monday: 8:30am-7:00pm Tuesday: 8:30am-7:00pm Wednesday: 8:30am-7:00pm Thursday: 8:30am-7:00pm Friday: 8:30am-7:00pm Saturday: 8:30am-7:00pm Sunday: Closed
Our Services - Chattanooga Vision Therapy
Strabismus, also known as crossed eyes, is caused when the eyes become misaligned, and one eye deviates away from the central focal point. As the eyes become more crossed, eye movements become increasingly uncoordinated, and the patient may experience symptoms like double vision, loss of depth perception, and vision loss.
Request Appointment - Chattanooga Vision Therapy
Chattanooga’s premier eye care, Chattanooga Vision Therapy provides comprehensive eye exams, contact lenses, vision therapy, low vision exams, and a large selection of designer eyewear to the greater Chattanooga area.We would love to be able to serve you by seeing you for your eye care needs. Use our online form or call to schedule an appointment with us today.
Vision and Learning - Chattanooga Vision Therapy
Just like a child learns to walk, talk, ride a bike, and calculate 2+2, there are a total of 17 visual skills that are learned over the course childhood.
Vision and Brain Injuries - Chattanooga Vision Therapy
A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is caused by a thump or jolt to the head, and the skull fails to absorb all the force of the blow. Not all forceful hits will result in a TBI, but if the strike is strong enough it can cause serious damage, resulting in a concussion, cognitive impairment, headaches, or …
Educational Resources | Chattanooga Vision Therapy Center
Learn from trusted local experts how safeguard your eye health and prolong the quality of your vision with our carefully selected resources.
Why is Assessing Vision Important - Chattanooga Vision Therapy
People often assume that if you can see 20/20, then no vision problem exists. In reality, being able to see objects clearly is just one puzzle piece that makes up the Visual System.
Accessibility Statement - Chattanooga Vision Therapy
Chattanooga Vision Therapy. Our Services. All About Vision
Conditions We Treat - Chattanooga Vision Therapy
How Do you know if you have a vision problem? The following is a list of some of the most common symptoms of Binocular Vision Dysfunction. Fill out the questionnaire below and see if you may require additional testing beyond your comprehensive eye examination.
Patient Name: Form Completed by: Date: Check the column which best represents the occurrence of each symptom Never 0 Seldom 1