Chavismo - Wikipedia
Chavismo (from Spanish: chavismo), also known in English as Chavism or Chavezism, is a left-wing populist political ideology based on the ideas, programs and government style associated …
查韦斯主义 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
查韦斯主义(西班牙語: Chavismo )是一种左翼 意识形态,其基于委内瑞拉前总统 乌戈·查韦斯在1999年至2013年任内所倡导的思想、计划和政府风格 [1] 。
Chavismo | political system and ideology | Britannica
…outcome as a victory for chavismo, and the Maduro-friendly election commission pronounced the elections clear. In refuting the results, the opposition alleged that there had been …
The Many Faces of Chavismo - NACLA
Seen as a whole, Chavismo takes shape less as a single movement linked by an overriding ideology than as an assemblage of often contradictory movements and ideologies that …
Chavismo - Venezuelanalysis
2013年1月4日 · Today Chavismo is one of the largest leftist political and social forces with one of the greatest impacts on the world, and it has become a reference point for the “poor of this …
查韦斯主义是什么? - 知乎
El legado polarizador de Hugo Chávez: chavismo, medios y opinion pública en la política interna Argentina. REVISTA DE CIENCIA POLÍTICA. Torre, Carlos, D, L. (2016). Hugo Chávez and …
Venezuela and Chavismo | World History - Lumen Learning
Chavismo A left-wing political ideology that is based on the ideas, programs, and government style associated with the former president of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez. It combines elements …
Why Venezuela’s Chavistas are fiercely loyal to Maduro, despite …
2019年2月22日 · Many Venezuelans continue to credit Chavismo with redistributing the country's oil wealth through social programs, and giving the poor a voice in Venezuelan politics.
Chavismo, Liberal Democracy, and Radical Democracy
Scholars studying Hugo Chávez and his movement are generally divided into two camps: a liberal one that sees Chavismo as an instance of democratic backsliding and a radical one that …
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Explaining Chavismo
The simplest explanation for the rise of chavismo focuses on social immeseration: the idea that Chavismo is the product of poverty expansion following growth collapse. According to this …