Chenpi - Wikipedia
Chenpi, chen pi, or chimpi is sun-dried mandarin orange peel used as a traditional seasoning in Chinese cooking and traditional medicine. It is aged by storing them dry. The taste is first slightly sweet, but the aftertaste is pungent and bitter. According to Chinese herbology, its attribute is warm. Chenpi has a common name, 'ju pi' or ...
Chen Pi - 陈皮 - Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae - American Dragon
Chen Pi has a more harmonious nature than Per. Citri Reticulatae Viride Qing Pi and tends to enter the Qi level of the Spleen and Lungs. its actions are more vertical and is therefore used for coughing and vomiting. Qing Pi has scattering and unblocking properties that are relatively harsh and it is primarily used for breaking up Qi Stagnation ...
Chen Pi (Tangerine Peel): Uses, Benefits, Side Effects, Warnings
What Is Chen Pi. Chen Pi commonly known as Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium or Tangerine Peel is the dried mature pericarp of Citrus reticulata Blanco and its cultivars, which is a small tree belonging to the family Rutaceae.
陳皮 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
陳皮 (另稱 廣皮)即風乾、曬乾或烘乾後的成熟 橘子 果皮,其放置年份越久越好,故得其名。 陳皮是重要 中药 材,亦可以用作 烹飪 佐料及制作 零食。 據《本草綱目》記載:「陳皮療嘔噦反胃,時吐清水,痰痞咳瘧,大便閉塞,婦人乳癰。 入食料,解魚腥毒。 好古曰:『橘皮以色紅日久者為佳,故曰紅皮、陳皮。 去白者曰 橘紅 也。 』」 [1]。 相傳新會專門種柑取皮在宋代已有,但一直規模不大。 《元大德南海誌》是元代一本記載州府包括新會縣地情的廣東地方誌,卷七 …
Chen Pi (Tangerine peel) in Chinese Medicine - meandqi.com
Chen Pi is a king ingredient in Er Chen Tang. Like the name indicates, it means it has more power than other ingredients in the formula. In Er Chen Tang, Chen Pi disperses stagnant Qi and Cold as well as dries Dampness. It assists the Spleen and Stomach in removing Phlegm by promoting flow of Qi in these two Organs. Read more about Er Chen Tang.
Chen Pi - Aged Citrus peel (usually Tangerine or Mandarin Orange ...
2013年5月18日 · • Similar to Chen pi, but more drying and aromatic than Chen pi and less effective at harmonizing the middle and regulating the stomach and spleen. • Resolves phlegm, dispels wind-cold. • Primarily used for vomiting, belching, phlegm-damp coughs.
Chen Pi - TCM Herbs - TCM Wiki
2016年9月23日 · Chen Pi (Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae)——Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing (Shen Nong’s Herbal) The pericarp of evergreen small arbor Citrus reticulata Blanco of family Rutaceae. Guangdong, Fujian, Sichuan provinces in China. Collected in autumn when the fruit is ripe. Strongly fragrant, pungent and slightly bitter.
陈皮 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2024年6月27日 · 陈皮 (另称 广皮)即风干、晒干或烘干后的成熟 橘子 果皮,其放置年份越久越好,故得其名。 陈皮是重要 中药 材,亦可以用作 烹饪 佐料及制作 零食。 据《本草纲目》记载:“陈皮疗呕哕反胃,时吐清水,痰痞咳疟,大便闭塞,妇人乳痈。 入食料,解鱼腥毒。 好古曰:‘橘皮以色红日久者为佳,故曰红皮、陈皮。 去白者曰 橘红 也。 ’” [1]。 相传新会专门种柑取皮在宋代已有,但一直规模不大。 《元大德南海志》是元代一本记载州府包括新会县地情的广 …
Chen Pi 陳皮 - herbguide
Chen Pi in Chinese means=> Old Peel. Many regions of China produce Chen Pi for cooking as well as medicine. However, Xinhui is the region that traditionally uses Chen Pi for medicinal purposes. Although Chen Pi is a warming substance, it is used in hot phlegm conditions.
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