Chenbro - Products
Chenbro is a leading company in design and manufacturing of Rackmount server and storage chassis for hyperscale datacenter, enterprise, IOT, education, and surveillance applications.
Chenbro - Company Profile
Chenbro is a leading company in design and manufacturing of Rackmount server and storage chassis for hyperscale datacenter, enterprise, IOT, education, and surveillance applications.
ESG Together - Chenbro
Chenbro actively responds to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), by focusing on four aspects: corporate governance, enterprise commitment, environmental sustainability, and social contribution to form a comprehensive sustainability strategy.
永續勤誠 | CHENBRO
勤誠尾牙慶賀2024營運成果 看好ai成長動能 持續推動永續發展. 伺服器機殼領導廠勤誠(證交所代號:8210)今(16)日於艾麗酒店盛大舉行年度尾牙晚宴,以「心無畏.行無限.倘young未來」為主題,回顧過去一年的成就並展望未來的發展。
Chenbro - 公司簡介
Chenbro Micom Co., LTD or Chenbro (OTC 8210) started from PC chassis manufacturing in 1983
勤诚马来西亚设厂强化全球制造布局 今举行土地签约仪式. 伺服器机壳领导厂勤诚(证券交易所代号:8210)今(30)日举行马来西亚新厂土地签约仪式,由勤诚董事长陈美琪与士乃机场城公司(Senai Airport City Sdn. Bhd.)董事长Tan Sri Che Khalib在马来西亚柔佛州士乃机场城(Senai Airport City)完成签约,为 ...
Organizational Structure & Management Team | CHENBRO
Chenbro is not only qualified by the first-tier server brands and provides OEM, ODM and JDM services with EMS companies, but also successfully extends its business footprint to datacenters and industrial solutions by continuously investing in technologies and delivers the most trusted server and PC chassis with the highest standard of innovation.
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勤诚 - 公司简介 - Chenbro
Chenbro Micom Co., LTD or Chenbro (OTC 8210) started from PC chassis manufacturing in 1983
Chenbro - Products
Chenbro Micom Co., LTD or Chenbro (OTC 8210) started from PC chassis manufacturing in 1983