Shear Pin Fasteners - Cherry Aerospace
CherryBUCK® is a bi-metallic, one-piece fastener that combines a 95 ksi shear strength shank with a ductile, Titanium-Columbium tail, interchangeable functionally with comparable 6AI-4V, two piece shear fasteners, but with a number of advantages:
CherryBUCK is a bi-metallic, one-piece fastener that combines a 95KSI shear strength shank with a ductile, Ti/Cb tail, interchangeable functionally with comparable 6AI-4V, two-piece shear fasteners...but with a number of advantages:
Cherry Aerospace
Cherry provides several options for accessing the extensive selection of technical information covering its products:
PCC Fasteners - Solid Rivets
PCC manufactures a broad selection of solid rivets including the CherryBUCK® line of titanium-columbium rivets. CherryBUCK ® rivet designs offer many advantages over traditional solid rivet styles and materials including high shear strength, double flush installation, low backside profiles, and elimination of sheet distortion.
PCC Fasteners - Cherry Aerospace
CherryBUCK® is a bi-metallic, one-piece fastener that combines a 95 ksi shear strength shank with a ductile, Titanium-Columbium tail, interchangeable functionally with comparable 6AI-4V, two piece shear fasteners, but with a number of advantages:
飞机应力蒙皮结构-课程学习卡片-5. 特种紧固件
2021年9月13日 · The CherryBUCK is a one-piece special fastener that combines two titanium alloys (钛合金)which are bonded together to form a strong structural fastener. When driven, the lower part of the shank forms a buck-tail(墩头).
抗剪紧固件 • Melchers China
Shear pins(抗剪紧固件)是高强度的紧固件,通常是使用一个或多个进行飞机剪切口的连接。 在剪切连接处,紧固件在压力的作用下,会在平行于其所配合的表面向相反方向运动。
CherryBUCK® 95 KSI One-Piece Shear Pin - phil-industries.com
CherryBUCK® is a bi-metallic, one-piece fastener that combines a 95 ksi shear strength shank with a ductile, Titanium-Columbium tail, interchangeable functionally with comparable 6AI-4V, two piece shear fasteners, but with a number of advantages:
CHERRY AEROSPACE 全球领先的航空航天单面连接 - 搜狐
2017年5月31日 · CHERRY AEROSPACE 是全球领先的航空航天单面连接紧固件的设计和制造商。 CHERRY的名字几乎成为航空航天紧固件的代名词。 CHERRY品牌的历史可追溯到20世纪40年代,当时CHERRY 公司设计发明了安装简便的单面连接紧固件,此类产品之后迅速成为航空航天领域普遍采用的标准。
a Solid monomeTal riVeT, ComPlemenTary To The BimeTalliC CherryBuCK® e-Z Buck Titanium/Columbium rivet no Sheet deformation