Van 't Kruijs Opening - Wikipedia
The Van 't Kruijs[a] Opening (Dutch pronunciation: [vɑn ət ˈkrœys]) is a chess opening defined by the move: 1. e3 It is named after the Dutch player Maarten van 't Kruijs (1813–1885) who won …
Van’t Kruijs Opening - Chess Pathways
Though the Van’t Kruijs Opening is rare at all levels of chess, there’s nothing particularly incorrect about white’s first move. There are many well-respected openings that involve a pawn on e3, …
Van’t Kruijs Opening – 1.e3 (Strategy & Theory) - PPQTY
2023年7月1日 · The Van’t Kruijs Opening, beginning with 1.e3, is a unique path in the complex maze of chess openings. With a strategy that contradicts conventional opening principles, it …
1. e3 !? - Chess Forums - Chess.com
2008年6月13日 · 1. e3 is a flexible move, either intending to go a move behind and play into a defense with the White pieces, or to give more leverage to a d4 or f4 advance, or even play …
Chess Opening Theory/1. e3 - Wikibooks, open books for an …
2024年2月22日 · An irregular opening, considered somewhat passive. Play may transpose to lines of the English Opening (c2–c4), Queen's Pawn Game (d2–d4), or reversed French …
Defense against 1. e3 (Maarten van 't Kruijs) - Chess Forums
2011年7月5日 · I play the Keoni-Hiva Gambit with 1.e3. The moves are 1.e3 e5 2.Nc3 Nf6 (or Nc6) 3.f4 exf4 4.Nf3 and proceed to sac the e & d pawns for an kingside attack. If Black takes …
Van’t Kruijs Opening: Chess Opening's Theory - ChessDoctrine.com
The Van’t Kruijs is a chess opening that starts with 1.e3. It is considered an uncommon opening and is not preferred among the top players due to its passive nature.
Van't Kruijs Opening - ChessEasy
1.e3 is Van’t Kruijs opening. It is not really an opening but a way of transposing move into some other opening. So don’t need to be scared because of the fancy title of the blog. By playing …
Van't Kruijs Opening (1. e3) - YouTube
Today I discuss the Van't Kruijs Opening (1. e3). Although rare, it can transpose into common ands pleasant chess positions. Let me know what you think of th...
【5d chess】e3-Nf6-Nf3-Ng4开局详解 - 知乎
很久以前,我们知道了standard白棋e3开黑棋很难下,只能被动防守,于是我们有了T0。 大家在T0只选择Nf3开局。 后来经过研究,我发现T0可以e3开(虽然很多人都试过,但系统总结了 …