Chi-Ri | War Thunder Wiki
The Chi-Ri (五式中戦車「チリ」) was designed as a result of Japanese field reports on the Eastern front war between Germany and the Soviet Union which evolved tank combat as a separate branch. Roughly offering the hull protection of a KV-1 and the firepo…
五式中戰車 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
五式中戰車Chi-Ri(日语: 五式中戦車 チリ )是日本陸軍於第二次世界大戰後期開發的中型戰車,比當時日本擁有的最先進中戰車——四式中戰車更重、戰鬥力更強。
Type 5 Chi-Ri medium tank - Wikipedia
The Type 5 medium tank Chi-Ri (五式中戦車 チリ, Go-shiki chusensha Chi-ri) ("Imperial Year 2605 Medium Tank Model 9") was a medium tank developed by the Imperial Japanese Army in World War II. It was intended to be a heavier, more powerful version of Japan's prototype Type 4 Chi-To medium tank .
Does the Ho-Ri even exist IRL? : r/Warthunder - Reddit
2022年8月4日 · The IRL Ho-Ri (I) was on a modified Chi-Ri chassis, meaning it had about the same front with the 37mm gun in it. Armor of the casemate was basically that of the current "Prototype" Ho-Ri. The "Production" is basically the Ho-Ri (III) design, which wasn't actually built apart from a wooden mockup.
For the Record: Japanese Ho-Ri tank destroyers - Blogger
2013年5月2日 · Type 5 Chi-Ri was the most advanced Japanese medium tank, developed by the end of the war for defending Japan from the invasion. It was better than the Sherman and there were several projects, including a Chi-Ri II, if I understand it correctly (various armament variants were proposed too, including a belt-fed 75mm and an indigenous 88mm gun).
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HEAD'S UP! The 3D model of the Ho-Ri in the latest devblog is ... - Reddit
2023年12月11日 · IRL Japan's authority swapped after the Wooden Mock-Up to the "Chi-Ri" hull (Ho-Ri 2) version (often called the Japanese Ferdinand), which uses the same 105mm gun but keeps the armor profile AND the frontal 37mm+MG combo of the Chi-Ri.
WT || New and Improved - Chi-Ri II (Realistic 1.77) - YouTube
A changed loading system makes a huge difference!(Warning: LONG)06:00 - Gameplay start14:43 - Second battleFeedback / C&C? Let me know! STREAM - http://twit...
SENSHA: Type5 Ho-Ri : The Japanese Ferdinand - Blogger
The tank destroyer built upon the chassis of the Chi-Ri would eventually be called the Ho-Ri. Development of this vehicle began shortly after the development of the Chi-Ri, when it had been decided that the tank would use the coil spring suspension system that Japanese manufacturers were already familiar with.
chi-ri ii | 战雷涂装中文网-四川嘉裕锦科技
2025年2月27日 · 战雷涂装中文网是国内最大的《warthunder》 (战争雷霆)玩家创作研究、交流学习和分享涂装语音包等自定义内容的专业中文社交平台!这里你可以找到最新最好看的涂装,与更多的爱好者交流,与大家一起分享游戏、涂装的乐趣与热爱。