Chi Yan - Google 学术搜索 - Google Scholar
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …
Chi Yan - Google Scholar
Chi Yan. Earth and Planets Laboratory, Carnegie Institution for Science. Verified email at carnegiescience.edu - Homepage. ... Z Gong, DAD Evans, Z Zhang, C Yan. Geology 51 (6), 571-575, 2023. 6: 2023: An ancient Martian dynamo driven by hemispheric heating: Effect of thermal boundary conditions.
Chi Yan TSO - CityU Scholars | A Research Hub of Excellence
Prof. Tso currently serves as an Associate Dean (Internationalisation and Outreach) and Associate Professor at the School of Energy and Environment at City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK).
Chi Yan TSO - Google Scholar
Organic Hybrid Perovskite (MAPbI 3−x Cl x) for Thermochromic Smart Window with Strong Optical Regulation Ability, Low Transition Temperature, and Narrow …
Home | Mysite
His approach involves a fusion of theoretical insights and experimental investigations to develop groundbreaking solutions that enhance building thermal management, indoor built environments, space cooling, refrigeration, micro-droplet manipulation, and …
Chi Yan | Jackson School of Geosciences | The University of Texas …
Chi Yan; Chi Yan. Research Associate, Institute for Geophysics, Jackson School of Geosciences Email: [email protected]. Office: ROC. Mailing Address Jackson School of Geosciences 2305 Speedway Stop C1160 Austin, TX 78712-1692 Phone (512) 471-6048 Support JSG . Departments & Units.
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Chi Yan
of thermal boundary conditions”, Plant. Sci. J, 4, 11 (2023) [2]: Chi Yan and Sabine Stanley, “Recipe for a Saturn-like dynamo”, AGU Advances, 2 (2021) [1]: Chi Yan and Sabine Stanley, “Sensitivity of the geomagnetic octupole to a stably stratified layer in the Earth’s core”, Geophys. Res. Lett, 45, (2018) Research Proposal Involvement National Science Foundation
Chi Yan
Hi, I am Chi Yan and I study planetary interior structures and evolution through investigating their internal magnetic fields, using numerical dynamo simulations. I am currently a postdoc at Earth and Planets Laboratory, Carnegie Institution for Science.
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Chi Yan
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences 122 Olin Hall, 3400 N. Charles St., Baltimore, MD 21218 –USA. [email protected] •ChiYanMHD. Education. Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, MD, USA. Ph.D Candidate in Planetary Sciences 2016-2020. University of Toronto Toronto, ON, Canada. M.A. in Physics 2015-2016.
Chi YAN | Assistant Professor (Research) | PhD | Vanderbilt …
Research Instructor in Combing Targeted- and Immuno-therapy against Melanima and Breast Cancer. Skilled in Immuno-oncology, Cell Signaling and Bioinformatics. Strong Research Professional...