  2. The Complete List Of Chicken Breeds - Chickens And More

    • Learn about over 100 chicken breeds, their egg laying ability, temperament and appearance. Find your perfect chicken with the breed selector tool and tips to pick the best breed for you.… 展开


    The Altsteirer is an ancient breed that can be traced back to at least the thirteenth century. They are also known as the Styrian as it was found in the Styrian region of Austria. This i… 展开

    Chickens And More

    The Barnevelder was created in Holland specifically to lay a dark brown egg. Hens … 展开

    Chickens And More

    The Basque hen, also known as the Euskal Oiloa, originally comes from the Basque region of Spain. This is a mountainous area where it is hard to survive. As a result Basque hens ar… 展开

    Chickens And More
    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte

    This is another member of the Wyandotte family that is currently popular. Although the blue lacing on red feathers seems to be the draw right now, this color variety can actually be date… 展开

    Chickens And More