Prof. Lin - Chien-Chi Lin Research Group @ IUPUI
Chien-Chi Lin, Ph.D. Thomas J. Linnemeier Guidant Foundation Endowed Chair & Professor Department of Biomedical Engineering, Purdue School of Engineering & Technology,
Chien-Chi Lin - Google Scholar
Chien-Chi Lin. Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Purdue University. Verified email at purdue.edu - Homepage. ... HY Liu, T Greene, TY Lin, CS Dawes, M Korc, CC Lin. Acta biomaterialia 48, 258-269, 2017. 92: 2017: The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later. Articles 1–20.
Chien-Chi Lin Research Group @ IUPUI
Our research focuses on designing multifunctional polymeric biomaterials, particularly hydrogels, with spatiotemporally tunable physicochemical properties to mimic the extracellular matrix (ECM). We are particularly interested in developing dynamic hydrogels for studying cell-matrix interactions in the tumor microenvironment.
People : Research - Biomedical Engineering - Purdue University
Lin CC*, Raza A, Shih H. PEG hydrogels formed by thiol-ene photo-click chemistry and their effect on the formation and recovery of insulin-secreting cell spheroids. Biomaterials 2011(32) 9685-9695 Expertise
Chien-Chi Lin - Biomedical Engineering - Purdue University
Dr. Chien-Chi Lin Areas of Research. Biomimetic hydrogels, Cancer bioengineering, Artificial stem cell niche, Tissue engineering. Projects. The Lin Research Group is located at Purdue’s Indianapolis campus.
Chien-Chi Lin - Our People - Purdue Engineering - Purdue University
2025年2月12日 · Chien-Chi Lin Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Purdue University, Indianapolis
林建中教授的簡傳 - Biography of Chien-chung Lin
Chien-Chung Lin received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from the National Taiwan University in 1993, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA, in 1997 and 2002, respectively.
Chien-Yu Lin
I am a final-year Ph.D. student in the CSE department at the University of Washington. My research lies on the intersection of machine learning, systems, and computer architecture, with an emphasis on efficiency and acceleration. I am fortunate to be advised by Professor Luis Ceze and also work closely with Professor Baris Kasikci.
Home | the-lin-group
Welcome to Lin Research Group. Our research focuses on the development of advanced mathematical theories that are useful to understand and predict the mechanical behavior of a broad range of materials, from smart materials and composites to polymers.
Chien-Chih Lin [email protected] ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica Research Professor, 2023-Present Associate Research Professor, 2020-2023 Assistant Research Professor, 2016-2020