Reversing a chimney brush | Hearth.com Forums Home
2009年1月2日 · It is a 6" chimney and a 6" brush. The brushes only come in inch increments. I have an extension rod that I made out of 1" PVC pipe. The stove is a Drolet Austral. Below the …
Chimney brush and rods stuck in chimney - Hearth.com Forums
2006年11月1日 · The chimney sweep came out today it took him 5 min to remove the brush. He used a hook on 2 rods and pulled it up.Charged 50 bucks over the normal clean charge. I …
Best brush for an oval metal liner - Hearth.com Forums
2014年7月26日 · After seven years of fall and spring burning - never over wintered here - I cleaned the liner which was new in 2007 for the first time this week with a friend's metal bristle …
DIY chimney brush... - Hearth.com Forums
2006年11月20日 · Seems like most of the chimney brush rods use 1/4" NPT thread, I'm considering if I can use some old but good quality tent stakes and epoxy a 1/4" pipe thread on …
What Size Chimney Brush? | Hearth.com Forums Home
2013年11月26日 · Hello All! I am wanting to use the Rutland creosote remover I bought to get rid of the glaze at the top of my chimney and sweep it. I called the local home improvement stores …
Poly or Wire Chimney Brush? | Hearth.com Forums Home
2012年3月17日 · brush, because it was a little too tight to get all the way down the pipe and through a mild bend. It worked very well. It took less than an hour. The kit has already paid for …
What is correct type brush for 6" insulated stainless chimney pipe ...
2009年1月6日 · The wire brush works great and probably cleans better. Usually things that clean better are going to be more abrasive, and I don't doubt that the steel brush is more abrasive …
What type of chimney brush do I need for flex?
2005年11月21日 · I have 6" rigid & 6" flex. I went to order a Poly chimney cleaning brush and read a warning it's too hard and will destroy flex pipe. I then didn't find another type to use on flex. …
What size chimney brush? | Hearth.com Forums Home
2008年6月13日 · If my chimney system is 6", do I get a 6" chimney brush, or do I get a larger 8" brush? I can't find any manufacturer dimension (actial diameter) info, I'm just envisioning a 6" …
I need a chimney brush... - Hearth.com Forums
2009年8月3日 · Size . . . go witht the same diameter brush as the chimney . . . some folks have done so and have had to even trim the brush a dite even then because the fit was too tight . . . …