China Agri
中国粮油控股有限公司(China Agri-Industries Holdings Limited)是中粮集团成员企业,于2006年11月在香港注册,2007年3月21日在香港联交所主板上市,股票代码:606.HK。 公司主要从事生化能源、油脂加工、大米贸易及加工、啤酒原料以及小麦加工等业务。
About Us_China Agri-Industries Holdings Limited
To build a world-class integrated agri-industries enterprise spanning the entire value chain, become a major domestic processor of agricultural products and an industrial leader as well as a major supplier and service provider of diversified high-quality food, food raw materials, feed raw materials and biomass energy.
China Agri - COFCO Corporation
Stock Abbreviation: China Agri. Company Name(Chinese): 中国粮油控股有限公司. Company Name (English): China Agri-Industries Holdings Limited. Business Scope: Oilseeds processing, rice processing and trading, wheat processing as well as brewing materials. Category: Agricultural products processing.
China Agri-Industries Holdings - Wikipedia
China Agri-Industries Holdings Limited (simplified Chinese: 中国粮油控股有限公司; traditional Chinese: 中國糧油控股有限公司) is a leading producer and supplier of processed agricultural products (including oilseed, wheat and rice) in Mainland China.
中国粮油 - 中粮集团有限公司
中粮集团是中国最大的粮油食品进出口公司和实力雄厚的食品生产商。 在与大众生活息息相关的农产品贸易、生物质能源开发、食品生产加工、地产、物业、酒店经营以及金融服务等领域成绩卓著。
China Agri-Industries Holdings Limited
Stock Code:606 Share Price: Turnover: Minimum 15-min Delay
中国粮油控股有限公司 - 百度百科
中国粮油控股有限公司(China Agri-Industries Holdings Limited)是 中粮集团 成员企业,于2006年11月在 中国香港 注册,2007年3月21日在 香港联交所 主板上市。 公司主要从事生化能源、油脂加工、大米贸易及加工、啤酒原料以及小麦加工等农产品订单种植、储存、加工、物流、营销一条龙业务。 目前公司主要的经营、生产设施和营运资产均主要位于中国,业务通达世界主要经济体国家,除大米等少量产品外,大部分产品都是通过遍及中国的销售及分销网络在国内巿场 …
come decisive factors. To achieve the strategic goal of “building an international-level grain, oil and food supplier with integrated value chain”, China Agri will further strengthen its domestic and international feedstock supplies by optimising its footprint in domestic high-quality grains and oilseeds production region as well as ...
Agriculture in China - Wikipedia
Agriculture has been a cornerstone of the People's Republic of China (PRC)'s economy and culture for millennia, sustaining its vast population and driving economic development. The nation cultivates a diverse range of crops, including rice, wheat, potatoes, tomatoes, sorghum, peanuts, tea, millet, barley, cotton, oilseed, corn and soybeans.
为加强农资市场监管,保障农业生产安全,今年以来,秦安县农业农村局创新推出“信用+”模式,将农资生产经营主体的信用状况与农资安全监管相结合,通过建立信用档案、实施分级分类监管... 近年来,浙江省嘉兴市以共同富裕和食品安全为导向,聚焦农村家宴服务转型升级,形成食安保民生、产业促共富的融合发展格局。 据悉,截至2024年底,农村家宴产业链产值达53.07亿元,全市... 阳春三月,位于山东东营市河口区义和镇俊峰商店门前热闹非常,村民喝着茶悠闲地聊天,孩 …