E-commerce platform: Applying for EDI License in China
What is EDI License? EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) License, whose official full name is the value-added telecommunications business operation license-online data processing and transaction processing (in Chinese “增值电信业务经营许可证-在线数据处理与交易处理业务”), is issued to companies operating business ...
EDI是什么,到底什么公司需要这个呢? - 知乎
EDI全称Electronic Data Interchange,中文名称是电子数据交换,也称为“无纸化贸易”。 EDI遵从国际标准,使得业务数据按照结构化或是标准的报文格式,通过网络,从一个业务系统到另一个业务系统进行电子数据传输,让计算机与计算机自动传输标准格式的电子形式的订单、发票、库存报告等业务单据。 了解EDI后,咱们再看下EDI可以做哪些工作呢? 知行EDI主要分为三大版本:数据传输、数据转换、EDI与业务系统集成。 板块一:数据传输:EDI支持您与合作伙伴之间传 …
EDI是什么?国内哪些企业需要使用EDI? - 知乎专栏
电子数据交换 (Electronic Data Interchange, EDI),是指在 国际标准 下,以结构化或标准的报文格式,通过网络将 业务数据自动传输 的一种技术手段,也被称为“ 无纸化贸易 ”。 EDI技术的应用实现了企业之间 标准的 、 自动化 的电子形式的 订单、发票、库存报告 等业务单据的传输。 举个例子,通过EDI系统,一家公司可以向另一家公司发送各种业务单据,比如订单、发票等,同样,也可以接收不同类型的业务单据。 EDI技术的应用极大地减少了人工操作,提高了业务处理 …
EDI CON CHINA 2024 celebrates electronic design innovation, bringing together RF, microwave, EMC/EMI, and high-speed digital design engineers and system integrators for networking, training, and learning opportunities.
Tangentia EDI China
Tanegntia Gateway is Tangentia’s leading EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) solution. It works seamlessly with the IBM Sterling Information Broker (also known as Sterling VAN) providing an unbeatable offering for large and midsized companies that require a nimble and cost-effective EDI managed services solution.
EDI CON China电子设计创新大会-微波,射频,无线,电子行业盛会
EDI CON China汇集了中国创新前沿和世界领先跨国科技公司的设计师。 技术报告会 重点关注高频/高速电子设计中所涉及到的从元器件表征到系统集成等关键问题。
B21 License for China - e-commerce, data exchange platforms
The B21 license authorizes a business to operate an e-commerce platform, B2B data exchange platform, or a platform for networking hardware in China.
EDI is an increasingly important tool for companies operating in China to improve efficiency and collaboration while helping address compliance and regulatory requirements.
China – Transalis Cloud-based EDI Solutions
We improve the accuracy and efficiency of your order-to-fulfilment process with organisations for China by implementing our cloud-based EDI. By choosing one of the Transalis eDI™ software bundles, you are ensuring you meet the mandated message protocols and requirements for …
2025年1月15日 · 海港EDI中心自主研发的API接口,包含船舶动态查询接口、集装箱物流状态查询接口、无纸化放行信息查询接口、VGM信息查询接口、集卡停牌信息接口、空箱出门信息接口和电子装箱单信息接口等。