Chengdu J-7 - Wikipedia
The Chengdu J-7 (Chinese: 歼-7; third generation export version F-7; NATO reporting name: Fishcan[1]) is a Chinese fighter aircraft. It is a license-built version of the Soviet Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21, and thus shares many similarities with that aircraft. [2] .
China Has a New JH-7A ‘Flying Leopard’ Supersonic Fighter Bomber
2021年3月30日 · On August 8, 2019, Chinese media reported that the People’s Liberation Army Air Force had unveiled a new variant of its JH-7A maritime strike jet at the Russian Aviadarts aviation competition. The...
我国“歼轰-7A”被称为“新飞豹”歼击轰炸机 - 网易
2024年6月6日 · 这款由中国自主研发的双发双座超音速歼击轰炸机,在继承歼轰-7“飞豹”优良性能的基础上,进行了全方位的改进升级,作战能力得到显著提升。 自服役以来,歼轰-7A 便成为维护国家主权和领土完整的空中利刃,以其强大的攻击力和卓越的性能,为保卫祖国领空安全做出了突出贡献。 歼轰-7A战斗机,这架机身长度21米、翼展12.8米、机高6.22米的庞然大物,是中国航空工业的骄傲。 其最大起飞重量可达28.5吨,最大载弹量高达10吨,足以在战场上展现强大威 …
Xian JH-7 Fighter Bomber Aircraft - Airforce Technology
2010年10月12日 · Xian JH-7 or Jian Hong-7 is a twin engine, lightweight fighter bomber aircraft designed and manufactured by Xian Aircraft Industry Corporation, China to meet the requirements of People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) and People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF).
歼轰-7A:中国“飞豹”的反舰作战法宝 - 光明网
2018年4月4日 · 歼轰-7A是我国自主研制的超音速歼击轰炸机歼轰-7战机的改进型号,具备超音速、全天候作战能力。 歼轰-7A战机的研制充分结合了我国强-5战机的超音速、轰-5轰炸机的远航程和轰-6轰炸机的导弹发射能力,同时在渗透能力和生存性能得到显著提升,填补了我国航空兵遂行中程打击能力的空白。 目前,该机除装备海军航空兵还装备空军,主要担负防区外对海/对地攻击任务。 艰难奋起的光辉历程. 回首“飞豹”的成长史,是一段融合了科技强军与国家安危的壮丽“ …
Chinese JH-7A Flying Leopard Fighter Bomber (殲轟-7 飛豹)
The Xian JH-7, also known as the FBC-1 (Fighter/Bomber China-1)Flying Leopard, is a two-seater, twin-engine fighter-bomber in service with the People's Liber...
JH-7A - War Thunder Wiki
While not as famous as other strike aircraft of its era, the JH-7 series is a noteworthy example of China's incredible strides in defense technology. The JH-7A (歼轰-7A型歼击轰炸机; unified NATO reporting name: Flounder ) was introduced in Update "Kings of Battle" .
Chinese Aircraft - JH-7 Fighter-Bomber [B-7] - GlobalSecurity.org
2019年9月17日 · After a total of 35 new materials, new processes, and new technology improvements, the JH-7A empty weight was reduced by 400 kg, the maximum takeoff weight increased by 10%, and the range...
歼-7 - 百度百科
歼-7(中国代号:J-7,英文:Chengdu J-7/F-7 fighter aircraft [1],北约代号:Fishbed,译文:鱼窝)战斗机,是20世纪60年代中国沈阳飞机制造厂研制的一型单座单发超音速喷气式战斗机。 歼-7是仿制的苏联 米格-21 Ф-13型。 该机后转产至成都飞机制造厂和贵州飞机制造厂,进行后续改进改型、批量生产 [1]。 歼-7战机是中国首款两倍音速歼击机,共有两万多个零部件,新工艺、新技术和新材料达到两百多项之多,是新中国自歼-6以来最复杂的航空系统工程,标志着中国在当 …
歼轰-7 飞豹 歼击轰炸机 性能参数(JH-7,FBC-1) - 爱空军 iAirForce
歼轰-7 飞豹 歼击轰炸机 性能参数(JH-7,FBC-1) 飞机几何数据 机长(含空速管) 22.32米(73英尺2英寸) 机长(不含空速管) 21.025米(68英尺11.75英寸) 机高 6.22米(20英尺4英寸) 翼展 12.8米(41英尺7英寸) 机翼面积 52.30平方米(563.0平方米英尺) 翼展 41英尺7英寸(12.8米) 飞机性能数据 最大平飞速度 1.7马赫 ...