List of duck breeds - Wikipedia
This is a list of the breeds of domestic duck which have official recognition at national or international level. [1] Most breeds of duck derive from the wild mallard, Anas platyrhynchos, while a small minority are descendants of the Muscovy duck, Cairina moschata. Duck breeds are normally officially recognized and described by a national body ...
Chinese Domestic Ducks Evolved from Mallard Duck - MDPI
2023年3月24日 · In this study, haplotypes from the Mallard duck (Anas platyrhynchos) were detected in most of the Chinese domestic duck breeds. In addition, the Eastern spot-billed duck (A. zonorhyncha) H8 haplotype was detected in two duck breeds. Only two haplotypes were found in Muscovy ducks, suggesting low genetic diversity within this population.
chinese duck breeds - PoultryWizard
2024年4月12日 · Chinese duck breeds have a rich cultural heritage and are highly valued for their meat, eggs, and ornamental qualities. The Pekin duck is the most popular Chinese breed and is known for its large size and white feathers. The Muscovy duck is a unique and distinctive Chinese breed with a red, warty face and a meaty flavor.
Origin and genetic diversity of Chinese domestic ducks
In order to reveal the genetic diversity and origin of Chinese domestic duck, the 667 bp control region of mitochondrial DNA of 238 domestic ducks from 26 indigenous breeds, 25 wild mallards and nine spot-billed ducks were sequenced and analyzed them together with the published data for 12 mallards and nine spot-billed ducks.
Chinese Domestic Ducks Evolved from Mallard Duck
2023年3月24日 · China has a rich genetic resource in its 34 domestic duck breeds. In order to detect the genetic diversity and explore the origin of these indigenous duck populations, the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region was sequenced and analyzed for 208 individual ducks, including 22 domestic breeds, wild …
A homogenous nature of native Chinese duck matrilineal pool
2008年10月29日 · In this study, we analysed the genetic diversity and phylogeographic profiles of 374 specimens from 26 Chinese domestic duck breeds/populations and five Thailand native duck samples based on mtDNA sequence variation.
(PDF) Chinese Domestic Ducks Evolved from Mallard Duck (Anas ...
2023年3月24日 · In this study, haplotypes from the Mallard duck (Anas platyrhynchos) were detected in most of the Chinese domestic duck breeds. In addition, the Eastern spot-billed duck (A. zonorhyncha)...
In this survey, combined with the sequences of Anas platyrhynchos and Anas zonorhyncha, the mtDNA D-loop sequences from 8 representative domestic duck breeds were amplified, sequenced, and analysed to reveal the diversity, origin and evolution of these breeds.
Genetic Diversity and Systematic Evolution of Chinese Domestic Ducks …
2007年10月16日 · In this survey, the mtDNA D-loops of samples from 106 ducks of nine domestic duck breeds were amplified, sequenced, and analyzed to reveal the population structure, origin, and evolution of the Chinese domestic duck along the Yangtze-Huai River.
China has the largest duck (Anas platyrhynchos) population and 31% of the domestic duck breeds in the world, representing a rich genetic resource (Scherf, 2000). Because of the unique geography, complicated landform and diversified culture, many indigenous breeds have developed unique characteristics.