TL431 - Wikipedia
The TL431 integrated circuit (IC) is a three-terminal adjustable precise shunt voltage regulator. With the use of an external voltage divider, a TL431 can regulate voltages ranging from 2.495 to 36 V, at currents up 100 mA.
electrical specifications as the TL431 device, but has different pinouts for the DBV, DBZ, and PK packages. Both the TL431 and TL432 devices are offered in three grades, with initial tolerances (at 25°C) of 0.5%, 1%, and 2%, for the B, A, and standard grade, respectively. In addition, low output drift versus
2022年9月2日 · The TL431 and TL432 are adjustable shunt voltage references with guaranteed temperature stability over the entire operating temperature range. The device temperature range is extended for the automotive version from -40 °C up to +125 °C. The output voltage can be set to any value between 2.5 and 36 V with two external resistors.
TL431 Datasheet(PDF) - Motorola, Inc
TL431 Product details The TL431, A, B integrated circuits are three–terminal programmable shunt regulator diodes. These monolithic IC voltage references operate as a low temperature coefficient zener which is programmable from Vref to 36 V with two external resistors.
TL431_JSMSEMI (杰盛微)_TL431中文资料_PDF手册_价格-立创商城
TL431是一款三端可调并联稳压器,提供出色的温度稳定性。 TL431由JSMSEMI (杰盛微)设计生产,立创商城现货销售。 TL431价格参考¥0.0905。 JSMSEMI (杰盛微) TL431参数名称:输出类型:可调;工作电压:37V;输出电压:2.5V~36V;温度系数:50ppm/℃;电压基准类型:并联;最小阴极电流调节:1mA;工作温度:-25℃~+85℃。 下载TL431中文资料、引脚图、Datasheet数据手册,有电压基准芯片详细引脚图及功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。
The TL431A, B integrated circuits are three−terminal programmable shunt regulator diodes. These monolithic IC voltage references operate as a low temperature coefficient zener which is programmable from Vref to 36 V with two external resistors.
TL431 IC : PinOut, Datasheet & Its Working - WatElectronics.com
2024年10月22日 · What is TL431 IC? The TL431 is a three-terminal adjustable shunt voltage regulator IC that regulates voltages from 2.496 to 36 V and up to 100 mA current with an external voltage divider. The typical primary reference voltage deviation from the nominal 2.495V level can be measured in mV.
TL431C 数据表、产品信息和支持 | 德州仪器 TI.com.cn
tl431 和 tl432 器件是三端可调节并联稳压器,在适用的汽车级、商用级和军用级温度范围内均可满足规定的热稳定性。 可以通过两个外部电阻器将输出电压设置为介于 Vref(约为 2.5V)和 36V 之间的任意值。
- [PDF]
TL431 ADJUSTABLE PRECISION SHUNT REGULATORS 1 General Description The TL431 is three-terminal adjustable shunt regulators with guaranteed thermal stability over a full operation range. The feature sharp turn-on characteristics, low temperature coefficient and low output impedance, which make it ideal substitutes
tl431是一个具有良好温度稳定性的三端可控精密基准集成芯片。 它具有体积小、电压精准、性能优良、价格低廉等特点,被广泛运用于恒流源电路,电压比较电路,电压监视电路,低压保护电路,过...