[1.14] Chocapic13's Shaders - Minecraft Forum
2014年2月12日 · Toaster Edition : 65-80 fps, Lite : 50-60 fps, Low : 35-40 fps, Medium : 25-30 fps. Downloads : By downloading, you accept the rules of modification and sharing. Main download links (14/03/2020) Updated ! V8 Ultra is available : big performance gain over V7 ultra, improved water, clouds, sky, end, nether and much more!
[1.14] Chocapic13's Shaders - Minecraft Forum
2016年11月22日 · Lowest versions have been optimized for integrated gpus and minimize memory bandwith usage. For example, V6-Lite is the fastest shaderpack with shadows on an Intel HD 4600 with a 10-20% lead on the second one while maintaining a superior level of quality. Downloads : By downloading, you accept the rules of modification and sharing. V6 Lite. V6 Low
[1.14] Chocapic13's Shaders - Minecraft Forum
2018年8月26日 · V7.1 Lite. Changelog versus V7 Lite:-Improved fps (up to +25/30% on integrated gpus)-Greatly improved shadow filtering-Full 1.13 support (with backward compatibility)-Changed colors and tonemap-Added "wavy rain"-Better stars-Fixed stained glass looking like ice-Improved clouds-New options-Fixed spider/enderman eyes
[1.14] Chocapic13's Shaders - Minecraft Forum
2020年5月12日 · Hello, I'm having a problem with chocapic shaders ONLY, Chocapic13 V7.1 Lite and Low have the same results, almost everything is black. https://prnt.sc/q8ho6o. When using Chocapic13 V7.1 Medium, there are these weird glitches on the screen. https://prnt.sc/q8hocc. But when I'm using other shaders like: SEUS. https://prnt.sc/q8hnnl. and Lagless ...
chocapicV6 lite 1.8.9 - Requests / Ideas For Mods - Minecraft …
2020年7月19日 · I am here humbly asking someone to modify or chocapicV6 Lite from 1.8.9, for just the shadows, remove everything, lighting, waving and etc., leaving only the shadows. Last edited by malockey : Jul 19, 2020
[1.14] Chocapic13's Shaders - Minecraft Forum
2018年2月19日 · Hey everyone, I just uploaded a beta version for V7 Lite, it's a huge rewrite that uses the latest optifines features. There is still some issues but they should be fixed soon. It should run on amd,nvida and intel gpus, I am still unsure about mac compatibility. Performance is nearly doubled in some cases vs V6-Lite on my amd laptop:
[1.14] Chocapic13's Shaders - Minecraft Forum
2015年10月30日 · Same transparent arm effect with your Chocapic13 Beta V5.1.2 Ultra shader and Optifine HD F3 for 1.8.8. Also the Shader Night Vision bug is still outstanding, I've had an open conversation with sp614x over in the optifine thread about it, since I was previously advised in karyonix's shaders mod thread to take it over to the optifine one as their 1.8.8 version incorporates shaders and once ...
[1.14] Chocapic13's Shaders - Minecraft Forum
2012年5月12日 · I'm using conqest resource pack (1.11) and chocapic13 shader V5 Lite (noshadow). Foliage on the leaves looks glitched (extreme glow) if there's a light source near. So far I only saw this in conquest pack because iof the added foliage on leaves.
[Chocapic13 V6] Enchanted Item Glitch - Minecraft Forum
2017年7月17日 · I recently discovered shaders for Minecraft and Chocapic fits my preferences the best. The only problem I have is that the gleam effect for enchanted items aren't working correctly. They're just showing up as a black mesh layer over armor, and …
[1.14] Chocapic13's Shaders - Minecraft Forum
2018年5月4日 · I'm using chocapic v7 low beta, but now I have a problem with nether. When I go into nether, it's anything ok, and then I exit the game (the player is still in the nether and not in the overworld), if I open the game again and play game with the save last time, the whole nether will go into a remix of red, yellow and black, the problem will ...