Chocobo Digging - Tips for aquiring your Ribbon!
2010年3月15日 · Riding a Chocobo makes this process obviously faster than it would running on foot but it will still take a few minutes to get around. Keep in mind you're looking for patches of dirt. The Chocobo can detect buried items suprisingly from a decent distance so you wont have to be necessarily meticulous in your running around.
Chocobo Rider Trophy in Final Fantasy X HD
2008年8月23日 · This trophy can be very difficult and is obtainable once you reach the Calm Lands. The first order of business is to get the ability to ride chocobos (see Chocobo License). Now with that you'll need to challenge the Chocobo Trainer to her fourth training exercise and win with a time of 0:0:0 to earn this trophy.
Chocobo Master Trophy in Final Fantasy X HD
Easy trophy got it in 5 goes but again its based on luck like the chocobo rider but nowhere near as hard, the opposing chocobo has 3 speeds he will either finish the race in 30sec(rare) 35secs(common) 40secs(more common then rare, shown in video) if you are collecting the 2nd chest and the yellow marker appears on the mini map then theirs no ...
I Brake for Chocobos Trophy in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
2024年2月2日 · Chocobo stops are easy to spot – they're blue shelters with benches where you can rest up (by using a consumable cushion). However, the stop sign has fallen over, leaving Cloud to pick it back up and get it working again. Hold to pick up the chocobo stop sign, and hey presto, one repaired chocobo stop. There are loads of chocobo stops dotted ...
chocobo stats for racing. - Final Fantasy XIII-2
2012年2月12日 · The Silver Chocobo is best for chocobo racing, as it comes naturally with Blue Streak and Dark Horse. Infuse a Level 24 Microchu , a Level 8 Flandit , and a Level 1 Cactuar into him to learn all the bonus racing skills available ( Health …
Easier way to obtain Gold Chocobo? - Final Fantasy VII ...
2015年12月15日 · Getting a Gold Chocobo is a cakewalk using God Mode and 3x Game Speed, took me around 90 minutes to breed one. The races go by so fast and you DON'T need to get every Chocobo to 'S' Rank, it's just a certain number of wins between the pairs you are breeding. Edited December 15, 2015 by Respectable Inn Missing info
Chocobo Whisperer Trophy in Final Fantasy X-2 HD
The Amazing Chocobo can be found in the Ruin Depths in the Chocobo Ranch in the Calm Lands in Chapter 5. You will have to have unlocked the Chocobo Ranch (refer to Tricky Trapper for more details) and caught four Chocobos in random battles that are able to reach level 5. To check if they are able to reach level 5, simply talk to them in the ...
Level 5 Chocobo - Final Fantasy X-2 HD - PlayStationTrophies.org
2014年4月23日 · This is driving me crazy. I'm in chapter 5 and trying to find level 5 chocobos. I've caught 57 in total and 2 of those can be raised to level 5. I've caught 20 in Thunder P lains and 37 in Kilika woods. Have tried to reset the game but doesn't seem to improve it. Am I just being incredibly unluck...
Chocobo's Mystery Dungeon: Every Buddy! Trophies
How many Chocobo's Mystery Dungeon: Every Buddy! trophies are there? There are 34 Trophies to unlock in Chocobo's Mystery Dungeon: Every Buddy!. Of these trophies, 1 is Platinum, 5 Gold, 12 Silver, 16 Bronze. Are there any secret trophies …
Final Fantasy X HD Trophy Guide - PlayStationTrophies.org
The Calm Lands is a vast area, this Primer is on a small ledge in the far North-West part of the area. Not that far to the left from where the Chocobo Trainer usually sits. #24. Remiem Temple You'll need to be able to ride a chocobo to reach Remiem Temple first (see Chocobo License). Once you reach the temple go across the bridge and down the ...